Oh I'm never leaving you again

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Pain, that's what I felt in my head when I finally came too. A pain so bad it could split you in half.

"Oh dear she's waking up. Quick get some water." I heard someone say then another person grunting. They sound old, like an old married couple. Where's John? Doesn't he live here anymore? Slowly without causing more pain, I slowly opened my eyes to find an old lady staring at me. It was actually kinda creepy, made me back up a little cause she was right up and personal in my face.

"Oh wonderful dear, your up. We've been worried sick about you." She said with her stinky breath.

"Where am I? Where's John?" I Croaked out.

"Well your in London dear, Who's John?" She asked me.

"Honey, here's the water." The older gentleman said which I could assumed was her husband.

"Oh thank Yea dear, here drink this!" She said grabbing the water from her husband, kissed his cheek and gently handed it to me. Slowly getting up after taking a drink I noticed my green suitcase was right next to my foot. I'll be damed, you were right Jass, it did come with me. And this was exactly the building that looked like my apartment but I could see old styled cars and people dressed in the sixties to know I've made it. I'm in the sixties. I can't believe I did it.

"Thank you for the water, you don't perhaps know where John is? John Lennon? He lives here doesn't he?" I asked handing her the water back.

"Oh dear, I'm afraid that you just missed him. You see miss he sold us this flat, and I believe he's living with his lads now. What's your name miss if you don't mind me asking?" She asked me. Oh boy John why did you sell this place. It just makes it that much harder to find you.

"Anna, that's my name. Do you know perhaps where his friend lives. I really need to talk to him." I asked.

"Your her aren't yea, he told us if a girl ever came by to give her this." She said as she ran in the house to grab what looks like a metal tin and gave it to me. When I opened it, I found some money and what looks like a note.
If you some how find your self in the past. And I'm not wishing on a dream that's never gonna happen, here's some money, and my address of where I'm living now. I moved in with Paul, I just couldn't handle living in a house where I fell in love with Yea. Please forgive me.
All your love
John Lennon.
"Dear are you ok?" The old lady asked me, as a couple tears fell from my eyes and landed on the letter.

"I'm fine mam, thank you for giving me the water, but I must be on my way." I say picking up my suitcase.

"Oh ok dear, do take care now. And say hi to John for me. He's such a sweet young man." She said as I waved goodbye to her. Now here's the real question how do I get there? Lucky for me fate was on my side cause right across the street was a taxi. So quickly I ran across the road and hopped in.

"Please take me to Bloomsbury lane please." I asked.

"Right a way miss." The taxi driver said. Oh I do hope he wants to see me. What if he doesn't want me anymore? Or he doesn't want this baby? Anna stop, he's gonna want you and the baby. I hope? Who would of thought that this is what my life would turn out to be.

"Miss we're here, that will be 2 pounds please." The taxi driver said making me jump a bit. So quickly I payed the taxi driver and hopped out. Looking across the road my heart could stop all on its own. Right across the street was none other that Paul McCartney himself. That means only one thing that johns not that far behind.

"Paul McCartney!" I shouted at him as I ran across the street making him look this way.

"Hi do I know you?" He said stopping out a cigarette.

"No, but I know you. Where's John? I'm Anna." I said smiling and holding out my hand. I could see the recognition pass on his face as he started piecing together who I was.

"Your her, Johns Anna? He's inside. And hey don't tell him I've had a smoke. Since he came back he's been on all of our butts about not smoking said they could kill us or something." Paul said making me laugh.

"Well he's right you know?" I said while Paul gave me a funny face and led me inside. Slowly I walked in the house and I can here a voice that I've been longing for since he left me.

"io pauliy where have you've been? Anna?" John said stepping into the kitchen with a shocked look on his face. It felt like seconds was passing between us, like we were the only ones in the room as both John and I ran into each other's arms, as John spins me around making me laugh.

"God I missed Yea, what are Yea doing here? I thought you wanted to stay in the future?" John asked after he put me back on the ground.

"You leaving was all I needed to realize that I can't live without you. I love you!" I say while starting at his shocked beautiful eyes.

"Well dang it's about time." John said making me laugh as he spun me around again and again, then kissed me with the most passionate kiss. After what felt like the most amazing seconds we parted our lips, when things started to turn sour. Oh no, I think I'm gonna be sick.

"Anna? What's wrong?" John asked me as I quickly covered my mouth and ran to the sink and puked my guts out. Gross.

"Anna? You ok? Doll?" John asked me worried.

"Oh I'm fine now, I guess morning sickness doesn't sit well with spinning." I say with a wide smile staring at another shocked face of John as he tried to put two and two together.

"But......that.....means your?" He started to say till I grabbed his hand and said. "John, I'm pregnant, your gonna be a father." I say. You should of seen the huge smile on his face as he kissed me again and again plus spun me around a few times. Shouting "I'm gonna be a father! Can you believe that Paul! I'm gonna be a dad."

"Yea, and she's gonna puke on Yea again Johnny if your not carful." Paul said as we both laughed at John. Can't believe this is my life now, and I can't wait to start living it with the love of my life John Lennon.
The end. Hopefully you guys like it. Thanks for voting and commenting. And reading this story!😊😊😊🙌🏻

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