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Anna didn't know how long she stood out on her porch crying. All she knew was John had left her without even saying goodbye. 'How could he just leave me? Like that? No goodbye?' Anna though. After about twenty minutes, Anna finally came to her senses and went into her apartment. 'It's like he never even left?' Anna though while looking at her apartment, blankets were still on the floor from two nights ago.
"This is nice. What movie are we watching?" John asked Anna as she curled up next to John.

"We're watching my favorite movie. Enchanted." Anna told John turning on the tv and put the movie on. Throughout the movie Anna was laughing at John for the funny faces he was making during the movie.

"You know I wanna do this someday." Anna told John while watching Giselle and Robert slow dance.

"What eat an apple and be poisoned?" John asked making a funny face.

"No, the dancing part you goof. There's a ball in town, like the one in the movie. But it's too expensive for me. Besides you would kiss me and wake me up with true loves kiss." Anna says leaning closer to John as they slowly kissed.
End of flashback:
Anna was brought back into reality as jack licked her face.

"He's gone, Jack he left us! John......" Anna started to tell jack till she broke down into tears again and hugged jack.
       When John finally came back into consciousness he realized that he was back on his porch, with cars he recognized passing down the street. Slowly getting up without feeling dizzy he made his way to Paul's house thinking only of his band mates. And how sad the old Paul seemed. And if he thought about Anna right now, he would loose his mind. 'How could I leave her like that? It's too late now, I can't go back to the future twice. Without causing damage.' John thought as he wiped a tear away as he knocked on Paul's door. Before John could even say hello to Paul, Paul opened the door and gave John a massive hug.

"Paulie it's good to see yea again." John says returning the hug.

"John where have you've been? George, Ringo and I've been wondering where you went? You disappeared right in front of me eyes John." Paul asked John letting him in.

"I saw her, I was actually in the future Paul." John said shocking George and Ringo Who was in the room.

"You mean you saw Anna? You were in the future?" Ringo asked shocked.

"Yea...I did." John told Ringo trying to hold back the tears. Anna was still a troubled subject to him as of right now.

"But if you were with her, why did you come back?" George asked John getting up and hugging John.

"Cause I changed history George, we made it as a band, but because I was never here with you guys you didn't make it. And besides old paulie here was a grumpy, sad fool without me." John told George slapping Paul's back.

"So you left your bird behind for us? That's sweet of you John." George says lighting a cigarette blowing out the smoke. Suddenly John was reminded of something that he read and quickly grabbed George's cigarette and stomped it out.

"io John that's a good cigarette." George yelled.

"You'll thank me later Georgie. Trust me. Those are bad for yea." John said.

"If you don't mind me asking John, didn't Anna want to come with you?" Paul asked John seeing how hurt John really was.

"Um, she didn't want to......wasn't possible. So just drop it." John said thinking of Anna.

"Sure, Johnny. Uh it's great to have you back." Paul told John.

"Mine if I stay here paul for a few days, till the tour?" John asked Paul while sitting down.

"Sure, Your always welcomed." Paul told John as he noticed the hurt in Johns eyes. 'Dang, I don't know what happened between John and his girl but she must of messed him up pretty badly for him to stay with me. Poor John.' Paul though as He told John what the band was up too since johns been gone. For the next month while John was on tour he was able to sell his flat to a nice old couple and was set to move in with Paul.
The end.
Hope you liked this chapter sorry it took a while. Holidays kept me busy. But I'm back at it!🙌🏻😊 thanks for voting and commenting.

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