Chapter 2: The Beginning

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The darkness was everywhere. No one was able to see anything around them. A mixture of hellos? And curses were met.

"Who's there!?" Someone shouted and another blinding light appeared.

The darkness quickly dissappeared leaving behind an echoing hiss and showed five people standing in a field. They all looked at each other and remained quiet, until the tallest one spoke.

"What the hell is going on?" he asked.

"I don't know, we were just playing a game and a blinding light appeared" one of the youngest in the group said standing next to another girl who looked some what similar to her.

"I was playing a game also" The oldest looking guy in the group said.

"M-me too." A different girl stuttered a little nervously as she looked at the group.

"Was this game called The Darkness?" The tallest guys asked.

Everyone said yes to his question, but before he could say anything else a giant crow appeared and swooped down at them.

Everyone managed to jump out of the way, except of the younger girls.

"Help me Greed!!!" the girl screamed.

"You're Greed!?" the oldest guy asked looking at the girl that was screaming at her sister.

"Stay calm Juvia!!" Greed shouted and picked up a stone, "Let her go! Only I can hurt her!"

Greed threw the stone hitting the giant beast in the eye. It let out a loud painful screech and shook it's head, dropping Juvia in a small pond not far from where they were.

The beast flew away as the four people rushed over to the pond where Juvia was trying to pull herself out of the water, but was failing.

Greed was the first to reach her and pulled her out of the water.

"What the hell was that thing!?" Am angry Juvia shouted.

"It looked like a giant crow." The tallest guy said.

"And who the hell are you people!?" Juvia asked looking at the three unknown people.

"I'm Pony." he said.

"Pony? As the one in a group chat with someone named Juvia, Gray, Greed, Armin, Reiner, and Matt?" The oldest guy asked and he nodded his head.

"Yeah." he said.

"I'm in a group chat like that too. I'm Reiner." The oldest guy said.

The four of them looked at the girl who had hardly spoken.

"Armin?" Pony asked and the girl nodded her head.

"Yes, I am Armin." she said.

And all of a sudden Pony grew a giant smile and rushed over to the girl where he hugged her.

"Senpai!" he said happily.

Reiner cleared his throat and Pony let go of Armin.

"Can I have a hug too?" he asked Pony and Armin laughed quietly.

But before Pony could reply back a man with a giant yak looking creature stopped by the group.

"What are you all doing standing out here for? Don't you know the Kakos roam free out here?" the man said.

"Kakos?" A few in the group repeated.

"How do you not know about the Kakos!? Are you five from a foreign land?" the man said.

"Yeah, we're from America." Pony told the guy.

"America? Never heard of that place. Must be nice not having Kakos there." The man said, "You all seem weaponless and you all seem like a nice group of people, so I shall give you one weapon each."

When he was finished with his sentence A black and white blob appeared as the guy froze.

"You have completed part one of the tutorial. Please choose a weapon to select your class to continue on with part 2 of the tutorial." The blob spoke as three chests appeared before the group.

One chest had the image of a warrior, the second chest had the image of a mage, and the third had the image if an archer.

"Ladies first." Pony said.

Juvia, Greed and Armin looked at each other for a moment, before going up to the three chests.

Armin reached for the warrior chest and pulled out an dark purple-ish looking sword. She stepped back and examined her new sword as Greed reached into the warrior chest.

She too pulled out a sword, but this ime was not purple-ish, but a shiny silver with a sharpen point, with a rigged side. The handle was made to look like steel flames.

"The swords must be randomize." Pony said as Juvia reached into the mage chest.

She pulled out a long wooden staff. The top had a giant ruby in the shape of a rose.

"That's very pretty." Armin said as Pony and Reiner walked up to the chests.

Reiner reached into the Archer chest and pulled out a long bow with some arrows. While Pony reached into the Mage chest. He pulled out a dark gray staff with the top of the head looking like a snake with emerald green eyes.

A blinding light surrounded everyone for a second and when it was gone everyone was wearing different outfits. Armin, Greed, and Reiner were wearing low leveled armor, while Pony and Juvia were wearing a wizard hat.

"You have started part 2 of the tutorial. Part 2 of the tutorial will teach you how to fight in combat." The blob said and dissappeared with the man.

Seven wolves surrounded the group suddenly.

"Oh shit." Pony cursed raising his staff up at the growling beasts, "Get ready guys."

They all nodded and the beasts jumped at them ready for a fight.

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