Chapter 43: The Dates

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When the two were finished eating their breakfast, Matt and Reiner left for their date while the others roamed about. The first place Reiner and Matt had went too was a little shopping area and walked around talking.

The two passed a stand where a woman was selling companions. Matt saw a german shepherd pup wagging it's tail as it looked at her happily. Matt rushed over to the stand dragging Reiner behind her.

"It's so cute! I want it!" Matt said as she picked the little creature up.

"I'll buy him for you." Reiner said and grabbed his pouch of gold.

"Really! Thank you!" Matt said looking up at Reiner.

"It's no problem babe." he said smiling and handed the woman the money.

The woman informed Matt on the proper use of a animal companion and all it's need. It wasn't like a familiar where it can be summoned from magic and never die. A companion was able to die, and it can not be summoned. They needed food, water, rest and everything else a living creature needed.

"What are you going to name him?" Reiner asked after the two left the stand.

"Hm, I think I'll name him Doitsu." Matt said looking down at the puppy in her arms.

"That's a good name for him." Reiner said as the two headed for a small park.

Meanwhile on the other side of the town Rogue and Juvia walked out of the church with a heavy pouch of gold.
"So, what do you want to do? We have the whole day off." Rogue asked Juvia as they began to walk away from the chruch.

"We could go get something to eat. I didn't really eat breakfast and I'm hungry." Juvia said and Rogue nodded his head.

"Yeah, I'm getting a bit hungry too." Rogue said and the two walked to a resturant.

They were seated at a booth and ordered their meals. As the two sat there talking an old gypsy woman walked up to them.

"I sense a darkness surrounding both of you. A great loss will happen with in your group soon. A new player will appear...the darkness will...will." The gypsy began to ramble.

Juvia stood up and backed away from the woman as Rogue stood in front of Juvia with his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"What are you babbling about?" Rogue asked her as she kept saying The Darkness will over and over.

"Let's get out of here." Juvia said placing her hand on Rogue's shoulder.

"No! You all are in grave danger!" The gypsy said launching at them.

Rogue pushed the gypsy away and she fell to the ground. Rogue then dragged Juvia away from the resturant.

"I'm sorry about that." Rogue told Juvia.

"No it's okay. That woman was crazy." Juvia said.

"Yeah. I wonder what she was going on about? A great loss will happen and a new player will appear?" Rogue said.

"And she kept mentioning the Darkness." Juvia said.

"Yeah." Rogue said.

"Should we find the others and tell them about what happened?" Juvia asked.

"Yeah, but we can do that later. Right now, let's hang out." Rogue said.

"You mean like a date?" Juvia asked blushing.

"Yeah. Like a date." Rogue said and took a hold of Juvia's hand.

While the two walked around enjoying their little date, Armin and Pony were having a race. Pony was in the lead, while Armin tried her best to catch up.
"Come on slowpoke!" Pony shouted at her teasingly.

"You're a horse! It ain't fair!" Armin shouted at him as she tried to run faster then she was.

"You have to strengthen those muscles, sleeping beauty." Pony said as he stopped at the finish line.

"B-but I don't wanna." Armin panted as she laid on the ground resting her aching body.

Pony stood in front of her and started to pick her up.

"Come on. You need to get up." Pony said as he got Armin to stand.

"Okay, but can we take a break. I'm tired." Armin said.

"Sure." Pony said and the two began to walk towards a lake.

At the lake Armin stared at the sparkling water as Pony snuck off to some trees. When Armin turned around to see that Pony was gone, she looked around supiciously.

"Pony?" Armin called out.

When she got no replied, she began to walk around looking for him. She came to a stop when she found him holding a flower to her while a picnic sat behind him with a sleeping Hades in the back ground.

A blush spread across her cheeks as she stood their in silence, while Pony smiled.

"Care for a picnic date?" He asked her and she nodded her head before sitting down with him.

"This is so sweet and romantic." she said as unknowingly something slithered by them.

"Well I can be romantic, and..." Pony began, but was cut off by Hades hissing at something, "Stupid snake."

Pony waved his staff and Hades dissappeared in a puff of smoke.

"I wonder what that was about." Armin questioned.

"Probably saw a rat or something. Let's not worry about and enjoy our date." Pony said and Armin nodded her head.

With the others on their date Greed and Gray roamed the forest close by for an item that was lost by a travelling merchant.

"Is it even here?" Gray asked as he stood up.

"Yeah. It should be." Greed said looking at a map as black smoke began to fall around them.

Gray noticed the smoke and called for Greed. Greed looked up from the map and her eyes went wide.

Death is here! Run you idiot! Roxlin shouted at her.

"Gray! Death is here! Run!" Greed shouted and took off running with Gray behind her.

The two ran through the forest until they were cut off by Death himself. Well Death in the body of the mayor from the Town of Moons.

"Ah, Madness I have heard you turned on us." Death said looking at Greed.

"I just out grew my stupidity of trying to take over the world. It's fun being in a world without the Darkness." Roxlin said.

"Oh, how dreadful. These strange humans have clouded your minds." Death said and pulled out a copper pistol with copper wires and a small light bulb attached to it, "Time to send them back. They're getting in the way."

Death fired the pistol at Gray hitting him in the stomach. A bright blue portal appeared behind him and sucked him through it.

"Gray!!!!" Roxlin shouted looking at where the portal began to dissappear.

"So it works. Good." Death said grinning.

"What did you do to him!?" Roxlin asked glaring at Death.

"I tried killing them, but it never worked out, so instead I'm sending them back to their world." Death said glaring at Roxlin.

"You will pay for that!" Roxlin shouted.

"Is that so? I expect to see you soon then, little brother." Death said and dissappeared in a puff of black smoke.

"I-I'm sorry Greed." Roxlin said hanging his head, "I couldn't save him."

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