Chapter 34: The Fairy War

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Inside the fairy kingdom screaming could be heard through out the castle halls as Armin was being tortured. The fairy doing the torture paused for a moment and asked her about the missing Princess. Armin didn't say anything as she glared at the fairy.

"Tch, pathetic human." The fairy said annoyingly, "I'd rip your wings out by now if you were a fairy."

"Why not turn her into one and do just that?" A fairy said wearing a black hooded robe.

Armin glared at the man as the other fairy smirked.

"That doesn't sound bad at all, Winston. Do you know how to turn her?" The fairy asked the mage.

"Of course I do. A simple potion made of rose buds, mandrake root and the deadly nightshade mixed with the morning dew of a new moon night. All of which I have in my study." Winston told the fairy.

"Good. Go make this potion." The fairy told him.

Winston nodded his head and excused himself. The fairy went back to torturing Armin. As for the others, they were busy trying to make a shrinking potion so they could get into the fairy kingdom. 

"Add a pinch of hungry grass with two drops of the essence of mandrake with powdered fern leaves." Pony read from a potion book, "We'll need to let it cook in a brass kettle until it turns a bright blue. Then drink it. The shrinking effect will only last twenty minutes, so we have to find Armin as quick as possible." 

"Okay, I'll summon Rosalina. She can get the plants that we need." Juvia said and Pony nodded his head, as he sent the others to wait so the two mages could work on the potion. 

"I can help though. I am a mage also." Gray said standing in the door way, "I want to help save Armin too. She's my friend. I know we hate each other, but she needs us."

"Those are the smartest words I have ever heard you say before. Just don't mess it up." Pony said letting Gray inside of the room.

40 minutes went by slowly as the potion boiled inside of the kettle. When the potion turned a bright blue, Pony, Gray and Juvia rushed out of the room with 7 vials of the potion. They handed them to everyone and drunk them. They made it to the fairy kingdom just in time as they began to shrink. 

With the group as a size of a small tea cup, they marched into the land of fairies with their weapons out and the princess trailing behind them with a rope wrapped around her. Fairies stood on top of buildings made of roses with arrows aimed at them, while some flew around them in the sky. 

"Halt!" A fairy guard shouted at the group and they stopped, "Give us the princess!" 

"We came here to trade. We will give you the Princess for our friend!" Pony shouted at them. 

The guard looked at the fairy princess who nodded her head. The guard let them through where they were lead to the castle. Meanwhile Armin was trying very hard not to drink the potion that the fairy mage was trying to force into her mouth. The fairy who was torturing her grabbed her jaw and forced her mouth open. The mage fairy quickly poured the potion into her mouth. 

She let out a scream as her body began to change. Two blue wings of a Purple Emperor butterfly shot out of her back. The mage fairy began to chuckle as Armin cried in pain. The other fairy grinned evily as he grabbed a pair of giant pliers and walked over to Armin.

"No! Stop! Please! NOOOOOO!!!!" Armin screamed out as the fairy began to pull her left wing as the door to the room opened.

"ARMIN!" Pony shouted as her left wing was torn away from her body making her scream loudly before passing out from the pain.

Everything happened in slow motion as Pony took off towards the fairy that had tore Armin's wing off. He pulled out his dagger, and dodged an attack that the fairy threw at him. With his dagger, Pony stabbed the fairy in the chest. The fairy looked down at his chest and fell over dead. Pony stood there glaring at the body, before going over to Armin, who back was bleeding from her missing wing.  

The fairy princess and some of her guards ran into the room. She let out a gasp seeing the dead fairy and ran to his side. 

"Terri! No!" The princess cried, "Seize them!"

The guards ran towards the group, but they began to fight them off. Reiner looked towards Pony and shouted at him. 

"Get Armin and go! We'll fight them off!" Reiner shouted and swung his hammer at some of the guards throwing them back. 

Pony picked Armin up and ran towards the opening that the others had cleared for them. He had ten minutes left to get out of there before growing back to his normal size. 

"Damn you all humans!" The mage shouted and threw a potion at them. 

The potion only hit Matt and she dropped to the ground screaming in pain. Reiner charged at the mage and smashed him with his hammer as two blue wingsfrom a Morpho butterfly grew out of Matt's back. 

"What the..." Reiner began, but was cut off by Greed who was shouting for them to leave now. 

Reiner ran over to Matt and swooped her up into his arms, before making his way towards the exit. As the group ran out of the castle, their bodies began to grow bigger, until they were their regular size standing in a rose bush. 

The group walked out of the bush and back into their new home to find Pony holding a miniature bleeding Armin in his hands. Juvia rushed over to him and used her healing magic to heal where her left wing had once been. 

"Why is she tiny?" Greed asked. 

"I don't know. Maybe they used a stronger potion." Pony said. 

"Guys, Matt." Reiner said drawing their attention. 

Juvia and Greed let out a gasp and ran over to their friend. 

"What happened to her?" Juvia asked. 

"That fairy mage threw a potion on her. I think it was the same one they used on Armin." Reiner told them. 

Juvia instructed Reiner to take Matt up to her room. Reiner did so and Juvia instructed Pony to place Armin in her room, and stay with her until she was back to her normal self, or until she was able to find a way to fix her. 

While Juvia was looking through the books in the library that was located inside the house, Gray and Greed were in the kitchen making dinner. As they made dinner three wild racoons were mysteriously let inside the house. Gray was able to freeze them, but they had managed to ruined the meal. 

"How did they get inside?" Greed wondered outloud. 

Fairies. You all have a war on your hands now. 

"Oh no. We caused a Fairy War." Greed gasped with wide eyes. 

Bingo smartie

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