Chapter 16: Adventure Time with Matt and Reiner

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Three days had gone by since the attack on Pony and Armin happened. Armin was still unconcious and healing from the battle, while Pony was in his bed being healed from the poison that had entered his blood system due to Armin's poisoned blade.

There were no sightings of the Darkness reappearing since the battle, but everyone was still on guard. They barely left the guild unless going out to get supplies or doing a mission or two.

"I'm bored." Matt muttered as she laid her head down on the table in the kitchen as Reiner made lunch for the two.

"Me too." Reiner said as he placed a sandwhich in front of Matt.

"Want to find a mission after we eat?" Matt asked looking up at Reiner as he sat down.

"Sure." he said and bit into his sandwhich.

They finished their small meal and left the guild. They walked around talking to a few NPCs and finding nothing interesting.

"This sucks." Matt said as the two walked out of a shop, "There has to be one good quest."

"Hm, let's try that guy." Reiner said pointing at a guy leaning up against wall looking mysterious.

"Worth a shot." Matt said and the two walked over to the guy.

The guy looked over at the two and eyed them. He looked at Reiner and glared.

"What do you and your loli want?" the guy asked and Matt grew angry.

"Loli? I'm not a fucking loli, ass!" Matt shouted and kicked the guy in the shin.

The guy let out a yelp and rubbed his sore leg.

"Fucking brat." The man growled in pain as he glared at Matt.

Matt glared back and cracked her knuckles.

"What was that?" Matt asked as Reiner gave the man a threatening glare.

The gulped and stood up.

"N-nothing. What can I help you with?" The guy asked.

"We're looking for something to do. Got a job for us to do?" Reiner asked.

"Well I do have a job. I need someone clear out a cave I found outside of village. It's over ran with Croaks." The guy said.

"What are croaks?" Matt asked and the guy let out a sigh.

"Think of a frog mixed with a batt." The guy said.

"So a flying frog. Why didn't you say that in the first place." Matt said and turned to leave.

"Why you!" The man grumbled and reached out to Matt, but Reiner tightly grabbed his wrist.

"Touch her and I will break your wrist." Reiner whispered to the guy and let go of wrist.

Reiner and Matt left the village and followed the map to the cave. The two stood there looking at the giant dark cave. Many croaks from frogs could be heard and Matt pulled out her sword and a torch.

"Let's go." Reiner said as he held his bow with an arrow.

Matt nodded her head and began to walk into the cave with Reiner behind her.

Beady red eyes watched them as they walked through the cave. They had a weird feeling their guts since the Croaks weren't attacking them.

The kept walking until they reached a big wide space in the cave. They stopped in the middle and looked around. Matt tightened her grip on her sword as she that they were surrounded.

"This isn't good." Reiner said.

"No shit Sherlock." Matt muttered.

"Here's the plan, you keep them off of me while I shoot at them. Your sword is only good at close range." Reiner said as he ready his bow.

"Got it." Matt said as she got ready fight.

The first to attack was one of the croaks. Reiner immediatly shot it down and all the croaks flew at them. Reiner shot arrow after arrow at them while Matt swung her sword at them.

Thirty minutes into the battle none of that change, except Matt and Reiner were growing tired from fighting.

"We're never going to beat these things!" Matt shouted as she slashed a croak in half.

"Try to think positive!" Reiner shouted.

Matt was about to say something when a giant croak flew down and captured Matt.

"Let go of me!" Matt shouted at the croak as it began to fly away.

"Matt!!!" Reiner shouted while swirching to his war hammer.

He swung his hammer back and forth knocking the croaks out of his way while chasing after the giant one that had taken Matt.

The giant croak moticed Reiner following them and knocked into the wall causing a little cave in. Reiner was forced to stop as the rocks blocked his path.

"Shit." Reiner said and started to hit at the rocks with his weapon.

He kept swinging and swinging as the rocks began to crack and crumble. Meanwhile Matt was dropped into a nest of hay. She stood up got into a defensive pose as the giant croak looked down at her.

"You will go well with my loli collection." The croak said and Matt blew up.

"How many times do I have to tell people!? I am not a fucking loli!!" Matt shouted glaring at the giant croak.

"Uh oh this loli has a potty mouth and a fiesty temper." The croak chuckled.

"Fuck you!" Matt shouted flipping the croak off.

"That's very unlady like." The croak said with annoyance.

"I don't care!" Matt said glaring at him, "I'm not a loli and I want out of here!"

The croak grew angry and shook his head.

"No!! None of my loli's shall leave! I must protect them all from the Darkness!!" The croak said as Reiner ran into the room and swung his hammer at the croak knocking it into the wall.

"She's my loli and I will protect her from the Darkness!" Reiner said and picked Matt up before running out of the room.

"I'm not your loli." Matt huffed as they rested outside of the village after getting out of the cave, "And thanks for saving me."

"You're welcome, Matty." Reiner said and rubbed Matt's hair making it a mess.

"Stop it! I hate having my hair messed with!" Matt said glaring at him, "Now lets go."

Matt and Reiner walked intonte village and was soon stopped by the mysterious man who had given them the quest. Before he was able to say anything Matt kicked him in the shine and walked away. Reiner chuckled as the man cried out "Why!!!???"

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