Chapter 31: The Change

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A strange tingle went through everyone as the purple cloud began to clear away. The first that had emerged from the mysterious smoke was Pony. He coughed and bent over breathing in the fresh air.

"What the hell happened?" Gray asked as he looked in the room.

"Where's the ghost?" Greed asked standing next to Gray looking around in the room.

"What the hell!?" Armin shouted pointing at Reiner.

Reiner looked confused as he stared at Armin.

"What are you shouting about?" Reiner asked.

"Why am I there?" Armin asked catching everyone attention causing everyone to go into chaos.

Everyone shouted pointing at everyone. Gray was pointing at Pony, while Pony pointed back at him. Greed was pointing at Armin, while Armin pointed at Reiner. Reiner was pointing at Greed, while Matt pointed at pointed at Juvia, and Juvia pointed at Matt.

"Shut up!!" Greed shouted at everyone.

"You shut up, Greed." Matt said.

Author Note: Body name (Actual person inside the body)

"I'm Armin, not Greed, Matt." Greed (Armin) told her.

"I'm not Matt. I'm Juvia, stupid. Quit lying." Matt (Juvia) said and Greed glared at her.

"No you are Matt. I think I know what's going on." Armin said, "We switched bodies."

"Where's Gray? Please tell me I'm not in Gray's fucking body!" Gray shouted and Juvia looked over at him.

"Found Pony." Juvia said and Gray made a frustrated noise.

"Who's body am I in!?" Pony shouted.

"Pony's body. Who are you?" Armin asked.

"Shit. I'm Gray." Pony (Gray) said and Gray glared at him.

"Do anything to my body, and I will kill you once we are back in our own." Gray (Pony) told him and Pony poked his cheek, "You know what I fucking mean."

"Gray, erm, Pony, calm down. We need to find out what caused this." Armin said.

"Who are you?" Greed (Armin) asked Armin.

"Reiner." Armin said and Greed's face turned red, while Gray glared at him.

"No funny business with Armin's body, Reiner. I'm watching you." Gray (Pony) said.

"I'm not going to do anything. Now let's find out who is who." Armin (Reiner) said.

"Matt, raise your hand." Armin (Reiner) said.

Juvia raised her hand.

"Greed." Armin (Reiner) said and Reiner raised his hand.

"Okay, now what?" Pony (Gray) asked.

Armin (Reiner) walked into the room dragging Gray (Pony), Greed (Armin) with him. He shut the door and turned to them.

"Okay. Brain storm, what do you think caused this?" Armin (Reiner) asked them.

"Spell, potion, maybe an item?" Greed (Armin) said.

Maybe a curse?

The unexpected voice made Greed jump and fall to the ground.

"Armin, what's wrong?" Gray (Pony) asked worried.

"Hehehe. Nothing. She just got a little spooked by me. Ah, such a weakling. She's so submissive and passive. Barely was able to fight back the madness and her little weak mind accepted me." Roxlin grinned as his eyes flashed red, "She's so scared right now. It feels so nice."

"You son of a bitch!" Gray (Pony) shouted and lunged at Roxlin, but Reiner held him back.

"Pony! Get a hold of yourself!" Armin (Reiner) shouted at him.

"Yes, get a hold of yourself, or I may scare her even more. She's afraid of the dark you know. I could easily turn the lights off with a blink of an eye." Roxlin grinned.

"I thought you were on our side." Gray (Pony) said through gritted teeth.

"Oh I am, but it's fun messing with her. So easy to scare." Roxlin said grinning wide, "She's screaming for you and Reiner for help. Tsk tsk, it's a shame you can't do anything."

"You bastard! What do you want!?" Gray (Pony) shouted.

"Easy, I want to be in control of Greed more. I can help you guys a lot more then she could. I know how this world works." Roxlin said.

"Fine, now let her go." Gray (Pony) said and Roxlin closed his eyes.

When Greed eyes opened tears began to form and Greed fell to her knees trying to hold back a sob. Gray went to her side and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around him tightly and cried into his shoulder. While Greed cried, and Gray comforted her, Armin searched the room for any clues.

Meanwhile outside of the room, Matt, Juvia, Pony, and Reiner began to search the house. Pony went with Reiner, and Matt went with Juvia. Matt and Juvia searched down stairs, while Pony and Reiner searched upstairs.

"This is so weird being in a guys body." Reiner (Greed) said as she checked under the bed.

"It's weird being in Pony's body. I feel sick just thinking about it." Pony (Gray) said as he checked a closet.

"I just want my body back. Roxlin must be torturing Armin." Reiner (Greed) said with a frown appearing on her face.

"If he does, I'll fight him." Pony (Gray) said raising both of his fists up.

"You'll be fighting me then." Reiner (Greed) said and Pony let out a sigh as he closed the closet.

"What are we suppose to be looking for anyway?" Pony (Gray) asked her.

"Anything that could have switched us." Reiner (Greed) said as she accidentally tipped a vase.

It was caught in mid-air by an invisible creature. Reiner and Pony froze staring at the vase as it was put back to where it had originally been. The invisible creature then floated away leaving a pinkish light trail. Pony and Reiner followed the trail leading down stairs. They bumped into Juvia and Matt, and informed them about the invisible thing.

The thing lead them to a small garden outside. In the garden were full of small tiny people with wings. The four stared at the village of fairies in their garden. When the fairies noticed them they all flew away, except for one that Juvia had caught. They all looked at the small creature as it tried to get free from Juvia's hand.

They took the creature into the kitchen and placed it into a jar. As they brought it back to where Gray, Greed and Armin were they saw something run by them quickly. Matt screamed and latched onto Juvia, drawing Armin's attention.

He ran out the room with Gray and Greed following after him.

"What's wrong? I heard Matt screaming." Armin (Reiner) said as he looked at the four.

"Techniqually you heard Juvia screaming in my body." Juvia (Matt) said.

"Doesn't matter. What happened?" Gray (Pony) asked.

"We found fairies and the ghost ran that way." Juvia (Matt) said pointing down the hallway.

"Reiner, Armin stay here." Gray (Pony) shouted and ran down the hall.

"Like hell I'm going to just sit here with a fairy and miss an opportunity to see a ghost." Greed (Armin) said and ran after after him.

"Wait for me!" Armin (Reiner) said running after them.

The four just stood there looking at each other.

"Should we follow too?" Reiner (Greed) asked.

"Yeah." Juvia (Matt) said and the others followed after them.

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