Chapter 54: Finding a Lead

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The town known as Hollowpoint was a shady looking place with many evil looking characters. The town had a layer fog surrounding it, as if it was to hide horrible place along with the people inside of it. The buildings in the town were dark, falling apart and filthy. Men lottered the streets with women on their arms or with a weapon in their hand. The group stood close to one another ready to draw their weapons at any moment while they walked the streets.

A man with an eye patch leaning against a wall watched the group walked into a building and gave a man by the door a nod of his head. The man by the door waved for a group of men to follow him as he turned towards the door. As he was about to enter, he was flew backwards as Reiner emerged with his golden war hammer with Greed next to him with her flaming sword. Everyone in the town quickly drew their weapons as Lost Reality emerged from the building.

"We're here looking for any information on where we can find the Creator! We don't mind if we have to kick your ass in order to get this information!" Pony shouted.

The one eyed man smirked as he still leaned against the wall. He nodded his head at a different man, who shouted out "Get 'em!" Everyone in the town minus the one eyed man, and a few others in the town charged towards the guild. Reiner swung his hammer down onto the ground causing electricty to shoot up from the ground shocking and sending a few men flying backwards.

Xeno ran to the back of the group and began to shoot arrows, while Matt and Doitsu protected him from anyone who got too close. Rogue blocked a few attacks while Kaneki used her spear to knock back a few of the men. Armin fought through the group with her dual swords, while Pony threw a few of his daggers at them.

Rogue slashed a man in half as Greed swung around cutting a man's arm off. Kaneki knocked a guy out with a swift kick to his face. Reiner swung his hammer left and right hitting as many men he possibly could. A loud whistle ended the fight as the one eye man stepped away from the wall. He walked to the middle of the street standing in front of Lost Reality. He clapped his hands.

"That was really entertaining. I haven't seen a good fight like that in long time." the man said.

"Who are you?" Reiner asked as his grip tightened on his hammer with electricity sparking.

"I am the Keeper of the Secrets, you can call me One-Eye." he said.

"So you know where the Creator is?" Kaneki asked.

"Yes, I do know." One-Eye said.

"Tell us where is he." Rogue told him.

"I would, but it would be much more fun if we were to play a game." One-Eye said grinning.

"What game?" Pony asked.

"Capture the flag. You eight versus me and seven of my men. First to capture the three flags around the town is the winner." One-Eye told them.

"Okay, what will you get if you win?" Pony asked.

"You and your guild to be a part of my group forever." One-Eye said and Pony turned to the group.

They discussed about it for a bit, and when they were finished, they agreed. One-Eye shot a flare into the sky and they two groups were off. Lost Reality broke off into three groups. Rogue, Fandom and Doitsu went one way, while Kaneki, Greed and Matt went the other way, leaving Reiner, Armin and Pony in a group.

Xeno, Rogue and Doitsu were the first to come across a flag in an alley. Fandom was about to grab it, when three of One-Eye men appeared, and began to fight them for the flag. Rogue hit a man with his shield while, kicking another man away. Xeno shot a few arrows, while Doitsu chased one away. Rogue rolled between the two men while they began to stand and grabbed the flag. The two men stood up and attacked again, but Xeno shot them both in the back killing them. With the flag the two ran off to the safe zone, while Greed, Kaneki and Matt ran across an arrow on a roof.

A whistle caught their attention as two men climbed onto the roof. Matt made a sarcastic comment about them, which angered them. She flew straight at them and kicked one, while Kaneki used her staff to conjure some vines sweeping them away. Greed grabbed the flag and complained about how she wasn't able to get a move in. She spoke too soon as one of the men appeared on the edge and grabbed her ankle. She let out a scream and kicked him in face making him fall to the ground, while Kaneki and Matt laughed. The three girls ran back to the safe zone after that, leaving Reiner, Armin and Pony to get the last flag.

The last flag was located in a courtyard. Armin ran for the flag when an arrow was shot at her. The arrow hit her in the hand. She clenched her mouth holding back a scream as jumped back. She pulled the arrow out and tossed it to the ground. Angry that Armin was hurt Pony threw a few of his daggers at the archer that was perched on a roof. The dagger hit him in the chest making him fall off the roof and crack into many tiny crystals. One-Eye appeared laughing as he pulled out an axe with the other man flanking him on the left. He congratulated them on getting this far into the game and informed them that the others had gotten the two flags, but he then told them that they were going to fail, and attacked them.

One-Eye slammed his axe onto the ground making it crack. Reiner countered the attack by slamming his hammer onto the ground. Pony ran forward and threw his dagger at One-Eye, but the other guy appeared quickly and striked them down. Armin grabbed one of her swords and ran forward. She clashed her sword with the man and called out to Reiner and Pony to take care of One-Eye. Pony pulled out his staff and summoned a few dark energy balls and cast them at One-Eye as Reiner shot a few lightning bolts at him. One-Eye dodged the attack and slashed his axe at them. Pony fell to the ground dodging the attack, while Reiner held the attack back. Pony stood up quickly and kicked One-Eye's feet out from under him, making him fall to the ground. Pony held his dagger to One-Eye's throat and told Reiner to get the flag.

Reiner grabbed the flag as Armin cut the man's head off with her sword. She turned to Reiner and Pony and smiled. They have won the game, but that smile soon fell when one of One-Eye's men appeared behind Pony and struck him with his sword. Armin shouted out and Reiner shot the man with an arrow, as One-Eye grinned and pushed him off of him.

"I would love to stay and chat, but if I were to really tell you where he was, I'd be dead." One-Eye said and ran off with Reiner chasing him.

Armin ran to Pony and checked on his wound. A healing potion could heal it, and a herb could heal his paralysis. Armin pulled out a potion and gave it to Pony. With his wound now heal, she dragged him to the others. There Kaneki summoned Rosalina who was able to make the herb that they needed to heal Pony paralysis.

"I got him." Reiner said and threw One-Eye to the ground.

"Now tell us where he is, and I won't kill you." Pony said glaring at One-Eye.

"Shit, you caught me. I'll be dead either way, if I don't tell. He's on top of Mt. Frega." One-Eye told him and Pony turned to Fandom.

"Do you know where it is?" he asked and Fandom nodded his head, "Good."

Now with the where abouts to where the Creator was located, Lost Reality left Hollowpoint for Mt. Frega where their last battle were to be.

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