Chapter 8: The Breaker of Curses

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The group decided to split up in a pair of two. Before it was decided who went with who, Matt grabbed Greed by the arm and dragged her away, leaving Reiner and Pony alone.

"Well there they go." Pony said and looked at Reiner.

"Matt slow down!" Greed called out as the two ran down an alleyway, "Why were we running anyway?"

"I wanted to get away before Pony could come up with something embaressing." Matt said and the two began to walk around looking for a curse breaker.

Since the Gogolok was destroyed, the village had become more populated over night. It was odd seeing it like that, but this was a world in a game and this stuff was normal in a game.

"Get ya swords and armor here!" A man shouted from a stand that the two girls walked by.

"Need a familiar? Buy one here! The ugla for 50 gold coins!" A woman shouted holding up a small cage.

"We must be in the market part of the town." Matt said as they pass a potion shop.

"Yeah, so that means there could be a curse breaker around here." Greed said and began to walk quickly.

Matt ran at a jog to keep up with her friend as they searched many stores and asked many npcs about one.

They had only found a few quests, but they did not accept them. Greed was more worried about getting Gray back to normal, then finding a theif or treasure hunting.

"We've been at this for hours. We should just give up and feed Gray to Hades." Pony said as he and Reiner sat on a bench eating a snack that they had bought from a food stand.

"We can't. He's one of us, plus Greed would get angry and so would Armin." Reiner said before a taking a bite of his food.

Pony let out a sigh and finished his snack quickly. He stood up and began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Reiner shouted out causing Pony to stop and look back at him.

"I'm going to go find something. You stay here or whatever." Pony said and began to walk away again.

Reiner took a bite of his food once again and waited for a minute or two, before following after Pony.

"Matt, this must be the place!" Greed said excitedly as the two stood in front of a old looking store.

"It looks more abandon then anything." Matt said.

Greed rolled her eyes and reached for the handle. Before she could grab the handle and hand popped out of no where and grabbed her. She let out a scream as the hand began to pull her into the building.

"Greed!" Matt shouted as she grabbed hold of her friend's other hand.

Matt pulled with all of her strength, but what ever had a hold of Greed was much stronger, and pulled the two into the building.

The first thing that they could hear was a shout and the sound of metal against metal. Greed was the first to stand in the barely lit room and looked around. She saw nothing except for a few almost empty shelfs with some odd looking bottles.

Matt let out a groan gaining Greed's attention. She looked down at Matt and helped her stand up.

"What was that thing?" Matt asked as she looked around.

"I don't know. The hand just appeared out of no where." Greed said and the two warriors jumped in fright when a man screamed.

"What the hell was that?" they both said at the same time and a person crashed through a door.

The two jumped back as a giant pot with sharp teeth and glowing purple eyes hopped through the broken door way. Greed and Matt pulled out their swords as the mysterious man stood up.

"Ah, help has arrived. Good." the man said looking at Greed and Matt, "You two distract this pot while I break the curse on it."

"You're a Curse Breaker!?" Greed asked as the cursed pot jumped at the man.

The man blocked the attack with his staff and threw the pot back.

"Yes I am. Sig Dunken at your service!" He said loudly and bowed over.

"I need your help with breaking a curse on my friend." Greed said as the man hit the cursed pot.

"I'm a bit busy at the moment, but if you help me with this thing I will break the curse on your friend." Sig said, "Now distract it!"

"Right." Greed said as she and Matt switched places.

"Thank you." Sig said and soon began to chant some words with a few swings of his staff.

The pot jumped at Matt, who quickly swung her sword making the thing fly backwards into a shelf. A few of the odd bottles broke and it's liquid fell into it.

"No! That will make it more stronger!" Sig called out.

"Way to go Matt!" Greed called out as the pot grew twice it's normal size.

"Shut up" Matt said and ran at the pot.

She swung her sword and a dark glow appeared on the blade. The sword swept through the pot.

"What was that?" Greed asked.

"Ghost blade. It's an ability that my sword has. It can sweep through the enemies armor causing more damage." Matt said as she jumped back from the monster that screamed out.

"That's cool." Greed said as the pot crumbled away.

"And the curse has been lifted." Sig said and, the room changed from a dark and creepy room to a bright and cheerful one."

"Oh wow." Greed said in amazement as she looked around.

"Thank you two for your help. Now let's go see that curses friend of yours." Sig said and the three left the shop.

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