Chapter 20: Trolls in the Dungeon

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Armin and Pony were thrown against the wall of the dungeon as the club made contact with the ground. Pony was the first to stand as he cast a spell at the troll distracting it while Armin slowly rose up from the ground.

"Keep it distracted!" Armin shouted standing.

Armin pulled out her sword and watched the troll for a moment as Pony dodged the Trolls clubbed. The troll tried to raise the club up, but it was stuck.

"Armin! Go for his legs!" Pony shouted as the troll tried pulling it's club up, "I'll try to summon Hades!"

Armin ran quickly over to the troll and began to swing her sword at the trolls feet. The troll let out a roar of pain and swung it's hand at Armin. Armin stabbed her sword into the troll's hand and held onto the hilt of her sword tightly as she was raised up into the air.

The troll let out another roar and swung it's hand again trying to get Armin off of it.

"Hurry Pony! I don't think I can hold on long!" She shouted as her hands began to slip from the hilt of her sword.

Pony swung his staff around and Hades came to life. The small snake grew ten times bigger and let out a hiss towards the troll.

"Let go Armin! I'll catch you!" Pony shouted.

Armin took a deep breath and let go of her sword. She let out a small scream as she fell. She landed on Pony and the two fell to the ground.

"Hades, attack." Pony wheezed as Armin rolled off of him.

Hades opened his mouth, showing two giant pointy fangs, before stricking the troll. The troll let out a painful roar as it tried to get free, but Hades wrapped tightly around it.

"Lets go." Pony said grabbing Armin's hand and running over to the staircase.

"What about the troll?" Armin asked looking back at the troll who was being eaten by the giant snake.

"I think he's taken care of. We still need to see Greed and find Juvia." Pony said as the two ran up the staircase.

The two busted through the door and was stopped by guards.

"What the hell..." Pony cursed as many guards surrounded them with their swords aimed at them.

"Arrest them!" The mayor shouted.

"What for!?" Pony asked.

"Ruining my party! Releasing a troll in my dungeon! Trying to assassinate me!" The mayor shouted.

"We never did any of those things! We were saving all yall asses from the troll!" Pony shouted and took a step forward.

Armin jumped when she felt something slide up her leg. She looked down and saw Hades looking up at her. She placed him in her pocket.

"Now arrest them!" The mayor shouted.

The guards walked closer to the two, but before they could reach them Pony swung his staff around hitting them in the face. Armin reached for her sword, but it wasn't there. She gritted her teeth as she remembered it had been stuck on the troll's hand. Which now resided in Hades digestive system.

She glanced around quickly and saw a whip on a guards belt. She ran over to the guard and kicked him between his legs. He fell forward and Armin brought her knee up hitting him in the jaw, before punching him in the face. The guard fell the ground unconcious and Armin grabbed the whip.

She struck a few of the guards with the whip. A few electrical sparks came from it.

"An electrical whip. Kinky." Pony said as he hit another guard causing Armin to blush.

"L-Let's get out of here." Armin stuttered a bit and hit a few guards with her whip clearing an opening.

Pony grabbed Armin's hand so they wouldn't split up, and ran through the opening quickly towards the exit.

Outside of the castle Armin and Pony hid in the bushes as the guards ran around.

"Where do you think the others are?" Armin asked in a whisper.

"Hopefully not caught and far away from here." Pony said and looked out of the bushes for a moment, "Okay, nows our chance to go."

The two ran out of the bushes and made their way towards the exit. Before they could get completely away, one of the guards noticed them and shouted to the others, causing a big chase to begin.

"Dammit!!!" Pony shouted as he and Armin ran faster.

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