Chapter 36: The War Begins

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It was a beautiful summer morning as everyone did their morning routine. Reiner was in the kitchen making breakfast with Greed helping him. Matt was sitting at the table with her head laying down as she was still sleepy. Juvia was in the bathroom taking a shower as Gray waited by the door for his turn to use it. Pony was in the kitchen filling a bucket of water, while Armin was still fast asleep in her room.

"You better not Pony. She'll kill you." Greed warned him as she buttered some toast.

"She won't kill me." Pony said as he turned the water off.

Greed shook her head and went back to buttering the toast. A few minutes later a scream was heard then a loud crash. Pony screamed out for help, but none of the others went to his rescue.

"Oh my God! She's actually going to kill me!" he screamed out from upstairs.

"Told him so." Greed said proudly as Reiner chuckled.

"He has to learn eventually." Reiner said as he flipped a chocolate chip pancake.

When breakfast was done everyone sat at the table like always. Pony was sporting a bandage around his head and left eye while a soaking wet and slightly mad Armin sat next to him. Greed was trying to hold back laughter from something Roxlin had said as she sat next to Gray. Juvia gave her an odd look while Matt just ignored her eating her food.

"So who's working the shop today and who's going quest hunting?" Reiner asked everyone.

"I was planning on doing a quest for Mr. Douglas at the Mines." Pony said, "I think Juvia and Gray are coming with me." Juvia and Gray nodded their heads in agreement.

"Greed and I were planning on going to the lake to search for some hidden herbs for a quest we've been doing for Trisha at the General store." Armin said and took a sip of her orange juice.

"I'll work the shop today." Matt said, "You're helping. No buts."

Reiner was about to say something, but Matt made him be quiet. When everyone finished their meal, they all split up.

Armin and Greed pulled out their map and tapped the pond, being teleported instantly to their destination. The mines weren't so far, so the three mages rode a carriage to the area. With the shop across the street Reiner walked, while Matt hovered with her wings.

"Show off!" A kid shouted at her.

"Hey! Get lost you little brat!" Reiner shouted at the kid making the kid run away.

Meanwhile a few thousands miles away in a kingdom known as Frale stood a figure glaring at a crystal ball showing everyone in the guild.

"They seem to have forgotten about us, Father." the figure said, "They let their guards down. Now is the perfect time to attack them."

"Do you think so War?" Father asked from his throne.

"Yes, Father. They all are split up. It is perfect, and it's Victor." Victor said sounding slightly annoyed with his last few words.

"I made you. I can call you whatever I like. Now, War, go after the weakest first." Father told him.

"Yes, Father." Victor said and looked down at the glass ball.

The two weakest groups appeared on the ball. It showed Reiner and Matt working in the shop. Matt was placing items on the shelves, whilr Reiner was dealing with customers. The other group, The Three Mages, were battling some goblins.

"Hm, I'll go with the fairy and teddy bear." Victor said and was enveloped in darkness.

Victor stood outside of the shop as a woman walked out. He grabbed the door and walked inside. He locked the door and turned the sign from We're Opened to Sorry, we're closed.

Reiner looked up at the door ready to greet the new customer, until he saw that the person was Rogue, or what used to be Rogue.

"Hello old friend." Victor said as Reiner grabbed his war hammer.

"You are not my friend." Reiner said as he tightened his grip on the hammer.

"You're right. We were never friends. I just possessed him." Victor said grinning.

Reiner glared at him and glanced above Victor to see Matt hovering above Victor with her sword ready. He nodded his head at her and Matt swooped down at him. Victor looked up at Matt and smirked. He snapped his fingers and a ball of flames surrounded her.

"MATT!" Reiner screamed out and jumped over the counter.

"Ah ah ahh." Victor said wagging his finger at Reiner, "If you want to keep her from being burned, you have to stay put."

Reiner stood there glaring at Victor as his grip tightened on the war hammer. Victor smirked at him and held his hand out.

"Give me your weapons." Victor told him, "Toss 'em on the floor boy or I'll roast the fairy!"

Reiner tossed his war hammer on the floor and kicked it over to Victor. Victor chuckled and snapped his fingers. The fire ball around Matt shrunk closing around her. Matt screamed out in pain, until Victor made them disappeared and she dropped to the ground.

"You trusted me so easily." Victor chuckled, "This is war and in war being nice is what will get you and your men killed."

"I'm going to kill you!" Reiner shouted and ran at him.

"Ah, now this is going to be fun. I was growing very bored." Victor said and dissappeared in a poof of smoke.

He appeared behind Reiner and kicked him in the back. Reiner fell forward and landed on the ground.

"Oh wow. All this waiting made you all weak! I can't wait to see the others!" Victor said and kicked Reiner in the face knocking him out.

Victor laughed before dissappearing. An hour went by when Reiner woke up. He let out a groan as he sat up ignorning the pain. He looked around and saw Matt lying on the ground. Most of her wounds were beginning to heal due to her natural fairy healing abilities.

Reiner picked her up and took to the house, before leaving for the mines. He was ready to kill Victor the Darkness of War.

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