1. ♡ Dreams ♡

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Arjun's P.O.V
Karan sighed.

"Guys, you really need to stop fighting! It's getting annoying and you're ruining your careers!"

I rolled my eyes. " It wasn't my fault that Varun took my nachos when I went to grab some drinks!"

"But I didn't steal them.  I only grabbed three and Sidharth grabbed the rest!", Varun exclaimed.

"You're lying!", screamed Sidharth.

Ugh, sometimes I really hated those guys. I mean, they're okay when you gotta work with them. But that's it. On party's they drink a lot, they like to dance and shout. I just want peace when I dance. And when I want to dance, these two are too lazy to join!! But I can't party with them. They don't like them really much whereas I love parties!

"GUYS THATS ENOUGH!" Karan shouted. I've never seen him this angry before. I mean we were annoying but we only fought about nachos...

"What's wrong Karan?" I asked him casually.  He stared at me with a death glare

"This is your third and final warning! I'm sick of the fact that you're fighting like kids all the time. Grow up! You're freaking adults now! If you don't change this behaviour I'll have to think of something as a punishment. Spread rumours about you three or worse. Then you can handle it yourself!" Karan spoke furiously.

It was very quiet.

Eventually after a while Varun said sorry as did Sidharth and  me as well.

"It's okay now boys. But please don't do it again okay? Otherwise I'll have to spread rumours" Karan told us in a sneaky voice.

We nodded and said goodbye to him as we left his office to go to our own house.

When I finally came home I was exhausted. I went straight to sleep and I dreamed of something weird...

Parineeti's P.O.V

It was late. Mom came into my room. "Pari, are you awake?"

"No mom, that's why I'm talking"

Mom sighed. She came sitting on my bed while I sat half up.

"Look Parineeti, I know you're having trouble to find a house with your friends. But I'm sure there must be a reason for it. Don't worry. Go to sleep now"

"Yes mom. It's just taking so long and-"

I was cut off by mom.

"Pari, go to sleep now!"

"Yes mom"

I waited till my mom left the room and then grabbed my phone. I scrolled through Instagram but there was nothing nice.....

So I went to sleep and I dreamed something very weird, which is very unusual for me. I dreamt that I lived in a house with my friends. And 3 other boys. Well, that's what I guessed. I couldn't see their faces properly, it was just one big blur.

When I woke up I was very confused. It felt so real! I took a shower and prepared myself because I had an appointment with Karan.

20 minutes later

"Hello Karan! How are you?"
I kissed him on the cheek and he greeted me as well.

"Hi Parineeti, I have some news for you."

"Tell me"

"Your mother told me that you were looking for a house right?"
I simply nodded

"Well, I think I just found that. It's far from here but you can share with your friends. Afterall this is my house which you can use since I don't spend time there. See it as a gift"

I couldn't believe what I just heard. Did Karan wanted to give his house to me? Someone pinch me, because I think I'm dreaming!

"Well, are you gonna reply or not?"

"Yes of course, I will take it", I said happily.

I was really happy. I could finally get my own house. Well, it officially was from Karan. But he gave it to me. 

"Oh and Parineeti, there is something else I'll have to tell you. You're not alone in this house. Your friends can join you! But since it's my house I've decided to let 3 special young men live there as well as a sort of punishment. It's a long story..."

So Karan is giving away his house!

And who are those three special young men?

Do the dreams of Parineeti and Arjun have something in common?

Will Parineeti know that who the 3 special men are and what will she think about them?

Stay tuned to find out❣️
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