30.♡Forgive me II ♡

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Shraddha's P.O.V
So... Here we are. In front of the room. The room in which we will hear our future. The room, in which his parents will decide. The room, in which we cannot do anything but wait. The room, in which-

Sidharth gently squeezes my hand and smiles gently at me. "Stop over thinking. They will make the right decision. For both of us"

I nodded and shifted my attention back to the door. This was it.

I sighed and knocked on the door. I heard footsteps approaching and Sidharth's mother opened the door.

She looked quite surprised when she saw Sidharth. But she was even more surprised to see me, I guess.

"Hey mum. How are you?", Sidharth asked.

His mom looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "It's been years, since you last visited us. Why now? Anything special?", she asked suspiciously.

"Mom, I'm-"

"I know dear. Just joking.", she laughed. Then she looked at me. Properly. "Hello. You must be Shraddha Kapoor! I've heard a lot about you!"

I faced Sidharth. "Really? Did you?", I asked her while looking at Sidharth.

He blushed and looked away.

His mother laughed. "Well, won't you come inside?"

We smiled and entered the room.

It was a nice cozy room. Well, room...It was more of a suite. We sat down and Sidharth's mom was sitting opposite of us.

She smiled and nodded. "Do you want something to drink?"

"No mom, we're good"

"Are you sure? This hotel is not close to your mansion."

"Yes mom. We're good"

Sidharth smiled. "Mom, we came to tell you something. Dad as well. Where is he?"

At that exact moment, Sidharth's dad entered the room. "Darling, can you help me with-"

He stopped abruptly when he saw us. He looked at me with an angry, yet confused look on his face.

"Hello Sid. How are you?", his dad asked while he slowly sat down.

Sid smiled softly. "I'm really good. I'm happy."

His father laughed. "Why wouldn't you be? You're going to get married!"

Sid laughed as well. He faced the ground before he calmly spoke. "I'm not going to get married to Alia."

People say that in one moment their lives can change forever. In that one moment I saw Sidharth's dad face drop so fast, I almost hadn't believed he was smiling before it.

"What? Why? You are going to marry Alia. It's been fixed. We cannot not show up."

"Dad...Why are you putting so much effort into this? You're not getting the money."

"I do. Karan promised. He told me that personally.", he said with an confused look on his face.

For the first time that day I decided to say something useful.

"Actually Mr. Malhotra, you're not. Karan told it to me. I even have proof, if you don't believe me." I grabbed my phone and opened the file.

Shraddha narrowed her eyes as she saw him leaving. She had to do it. Now. The time wouldn't come again and this would be her only opportunity.

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