26 ♡ Disaster II ♡

545 38 45

Parineeti's P.O.V
Arjun was playing with my hair. We were both bored and we had so much hunger! I seriously considered to just give up because I was so tired.

"Tigress? Do you smell that?", Arjun suddenly asked.

"What? I don't smell anything."

He stood up and pushed me away. He gazed at the walls as if it was the first time he saw them.

"Freedom. Food. Love. There is an exit."

He ran towards the door and tried to open it.

"Arjun you're going crazy. We've been here for 2 days and we're super dehydrated. You're hallucinating."

He smirked and he pulled the door open with all his force. With success.

The guards, left and right, were astonished. They immediately fought back when he attacked. But Arjun managed to escape, pulling me with him.

"Come! Quickly! They are following us!", he said and we ran away.

It was very difficult to run. I had not eaten for 2 days nor had I drank for 2 days. It was the adrenaline that did most of the work.

We ran for what seemed a year and I was completely exhausted.

"Arjun! Stop! I... I can't ... do this ... anymore", I said while heavily breathing. "Please walk....."

He was about to say something when I heard the guards behind us scream that we needed to stop.

"Parineeti , run!", Arjun screamed and
he ran away.

But I couldn't run anymore. I was dehydrated and hungry. I really needed some food and water. "I'm sorry Arjun... but this is it for me..." I stood there while the guards were coming near.

Then everything went in slow motion. I saw the guards combing near from the corner of my eyes. And then suddenly Arjun appeared. He ran to me and grabbed my hands. He pulled me with him again and the guards were coming closer.

We ran again through the corridors of the empty shed. The walls were barely painted, and the ground consisted of plain grass with some plants here and there.

We ran out of the shed until we reached the streets. It was morning. Once arrived I looked around. They were no longer following us and we could finally stop running.

"Arjun... stop!", I said. I was breathing hard as well as he. We both looked tired and were hungry!

"Parineeti, I'm hungry! Come on, lets find a place to eat.", he added.

"Do you have money?"


"Then we can't eat here. We need to find the mansion"

"Tigress, lets find some water at least. We're going to die in a few hours if we don't find water."

"Stop calling me that! My name is Parineeti!"

"That's not the point! Let's go!"



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