24.♡Official plan ♡

496 37 21

Arjun's P.O.V
I wake up. I'm laying on the ground against a broken table. Parineeti is laying next to me with her head being rusted on my shoulder. She is sleeping peacefully and she doesn't seem to notice that I'm staring at her.

In the world there are only 7 other people who look exactly like you. But they're all different from the inside. I'm pretty sure that Parineeti is one of the other 6 who look exactly like my mom when she was younger.

I smile and I think of her again. She shows a smile and it looks like she's dreaming of something good.

I kiss her on her head. I watch out of the window and I see the day passing by. We woke up quite late and I see the sun slowly dimming her lights and disappearing again. Parineeti is still sleeping peacefully. I decide to sleep as well.

"Arjun? Arjun please wake up? I'm hungry and it's very cold. Can you please wake up?" Parineeti asks.

I slowly open my eyes. It's dark in the room and I can't seem to think of anything else than food and warmth. I face Parineeti.

"Hey sleepyhead. How did you sleep?", she asks me.

I laugh. "Last time I was awake you were sleeping like a baby. I slept well. I guess I'm just hungry and cold now"

She moves away and she goes sit in her own spot again. I stop her and pull her back to me.

"Arjun? What are you doing?", she whispers worried.

"Tigress, have you seen the size of this room? It's big. And when you go to sit there apart, we will both suffer from the cold. Let me at least warm you up a bit."

"As if I need you to warm me up"

I grin. "Fine, then go die in the corner over there"

She sighs. "Why do you always have to be like this?!"

"You love me right? Tigress, we're meant to be!"

"As if!"

"Tigress, I'm serous right now! Come over here! I don't want to die! I need body warmth! The world needs Arjun Kapoor!"


She goes lie down on my chest again.
"Thank you.... I'm really cold...", I say.

She laughs. "I can feel that!"



"Are you happy?"


"No? Why not?!"

"Because you're here and we're locked up and I'm hungry and it's cold and we're going to die and -"

I put my hand over her mouth. "Shut up you monkey! You keep on rambling!

"You asked me to spill the beans so I did", she huffed.

It's quiet for a moment.

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