35.♡Wedding ceremonies♡

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A/N—> A lot of you know about wedding ceremonies so I'm not going to describe every single one of them since that would be boring. Fast forwarding towards the important events is important people.

Varun's P.O.V
Yesterday we all said goodbye to each other and returned to our own homes. I really needed a break from them. Don't get me wrong, I love all of them. But being in the same room with the same people all the time messes with my brain.

There was a knock on the door when I woke up. I groaned and looked to my right. The alarm clock said that it was 7 o'clock. I groaned even more and dragged myself out bed. As I walked by the mirror, I quickly fixed my messy hair and walked towards the door. When I opened it I saw Alia.

"Hey. Did I woke you up?"

"Kind of..."

"Oh oops. Can I come in Vee? I really need to talk with you."

"Yeah sure..."

I left the door open and Alia quickly stepped inside. She removed her shoes and she walked into the living room.

"Take a seat", I said.

"No thank you. I'll be gone in a minute. I just need to remind you that the ceremonies are starting today...", she said with a soft voice.

Ceremonies? Today?

"Huh? It was next week right? What happened?", I asked confused.

She shook her head. "No Varun. I told you that you'd forget it. Anyways, please remember that we are only pretending okay? Sidharth and me are not getting married!", she said.

I rolled my eyes. "I just don't like seeing you two together. You're mine. And btw Sid was acting like a douchebag when he first met you."

"Yeah but-"


She rolled her eyes. "Vee, it's just for the plan! You don't want me to get married to Sid right? Then stop these nonsenses please! Now, if you don't mind I have a wedding ceremony to attend"

She turned around and wanted to walk away when I grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer to me.

"I am sorry Alu. I love you so much and I don't want you to do even a single ceremony for him. You're mine", I said while hugging here.

She smiled. "I know silly. But pretending is my job. I'll be fine"

And with that she gave me a kiss and she let herself out.

Time to prepare I guess....

Skip time—> One week later
Sidharth's P.O.V
Just like the other ceremonies, the mehndi ceremony had been over in just a snap. No one was actually paying attention except for the guests that all had come.

Varun couldn't stand seeing Alia and me in the ceremonies but he still had to come. I really pitied him. He pretended to be happy and so did Alia. Actually, all of us were pretending. And apparently we were doing a great job because everyone seemed to buy the act.

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