11. ♡ Roses and a date ♡

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Alia's P.O.V
I opened the door and I couldn't believe my eyes! I didn't see anyone but I did see a letter and a pair of red roses.
Strange I thought. Who could have given someone in the mansion red roses? I had read the name but the description was in Dutch so I couldn't understand it.

I took the letter and roses inside. Everybody looked curiously.

"Alia has got a secret admirer." Arjun yelled.

Parineeti laughed. "Ohh, cute. Who sent it?"

"I don't know. The description is in Dutch. Do any of you speak Dutch?" I asked.

They all shook their heads in the negative.

"How do you know the roses are yours Alu?" Shraddha said.

"I never said that they were mine."

"Let's use Google translate" Sidharth suggested.

"Yes good idea" Varun said.

This is what the description said
Voor het mooie meisje dat ik gister zag. Toen ik naar je keek raakte mijn hart van slag. Met je mooie bruine haren en onschuldige ogen, kon ik jouw aanwezigheid haast niet geloven. Je stond daar maar in je mooie zwarte jas. Gecombineerd had je dit met je mooie bruine tas. Ik zou je graag beter willen kennen. Een get-together organiseren.

Kom me alsjeblieft ontmoeten in de Waag vanavond om 21.00

This means
For the beautiful girl I saw yesterday. When I looked at you my heart went crazy. With your gorgeous brown hair and innocent eyes I almost couldn't believe your presence. You just stood there in your fine black coat which you had combined with your brown bag. I'd like to know you better. I'm organising a get-together..

Please come meet me at "de Waag" at 21.00

Parineeti's P.O.V

"I think it's a poem" Arjun said. "When you take a look at the words zag and slag, that almost looks the same and I guess the sound of it must be similar as well."

"Wait hold on." Sidharth said. "The author of this poem is talking about a girl with a black coat and brown hair, innocent eyes and a brown bag.
Parineeti, he is talking about you!"

"What?! No no no! Shraddha has brown hair and innocent eyes!"

"Yeah but I don't have a black coat darling" Shraddha teased me.

"Congratulations Parineeti ! You've scored yourself a Dutch man!" Varun laughed.

I rolled my eyes. I looked at Arjun for help but he just smiled and looked to the ground with a devilish grin on his face.

"Parineeti is dating a Dutch man! I've got to tell Karan" Sidharth screamed and laughed.

"Sid, stop!"

"What if he's a creep? I mean what if he does drugs and comes all stoned to your appointment." Shraddha says with a scared voice. "Drugs are legal here!"

"Nah, date sounds better" Varun said.

"That's not the point dumbo!"

"He won't! Just chill." Alia reassured.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Arjun said suddenly.

"But you still have your food Kapoor!"

Shraddha exclaimed. "You never leave without your food!"

"I'm not hungry anymore Shraddha.
I've got better things to do. Planning a marriage for example!"

He laughed hard. What's going on with him?

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