12. ♡ A day in the city ♡

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A/N—>  this ^ was the original cover. Opinions? Should I change the cover?

Alia's P.O.V

"Varun? Why are you crying?"

He laughed and wiped his tears.

"Oh that. I was cutting onions. Nothing else" he said while he untied his apron.

"Here breakfast"

He handed me a plate of toasted bread with cheese and tomato.

I sat down and started eating while letting my mind wonder about all kinds of things. What do I want to do today? With whom? How are we going to do that? After that what will we do? Etc.

Suddenly my phone rang. I stopped eating and answered the call.

Hello? This is Alia speaking

Hi Alia! It's Dad. We'd like you to come over today! We've got a marriage proposal and he is a really nice guy!

Ehm what? Dad I don't want to marry! You know that!

But Alia you are already 25! You're turning 26 soon! When are you going to marry?

Dad! I have still time left! Please understand dad! I'm having a good career. After marriage I'll probably have to settle down and I'm not allowed to act anymore !

His parents are not like that. They want you to work after your marriage as well. They know what kind of successful actress you are. They'd not want you to give that up just because you settled down. Please meet him once Alia.

Fine. But only once! When?

Tomorrow at 15.00 he is coming along with his parents.

Okay. Then I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye Dad. Love you!

Love you too!

Varun takes a seat.
"Who was that?"

"Dad. He wants me to come over for a marriage proposal".

"Oh. I see. So you're going to get married soon. Well, if you like the boy I mean."

"Yeah probably."


It is quiet for a while.

"So how are you and Natasha doing?" I ask.

"Well, uhm it's okay I guess. We've taken a break"

"Again? Vee, this is like the 12th time or so!"

"Yeah, I know"


"I don't know. I like her but I'm not really sure anymore. She is starting to get really bossy and I just get tired of her. Sometimes I think it's better to stop"

"Then do so. Do what makes you happy"

"Yeah, but what if-"

"This is about you Dhawan. Are you happy or not?"

"I'm not sure."

"Find out then."


"Because I want to see my best friend happy Varun! That's why!"

Sidharth walks into the lounge.

"Good morning guys! Did you sleep well?"

"You sounds pretty exciting for someone who just came out of bed" Varun laughs.

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