34.♡Arjun's confession♡

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The one that you all have been waiting for is here! Arjun's past is about to be revealed!
We are going back in time. This is taking place on the night before the flight.

Arjuns's P.O.V
After a long day we were all tired. We had packed our stuff within a rush and we weren't sure whether we packed everything. But it was late and we needed that tiny bit of sleep to survive the media tomorrow.

"Arjun! Stop worrying already! You've packed enough dude! Come to sleep!", Parineeti whined. She was already laying in bed, waiting for me, and she was not very patient. She had worn her usual outfit: a pink nightdress  made of silk which reached all the way down to her knees.

"I am coming dear! Just wait a moment!", I said as I walked by the list in my head once again. Clothes? Check. Socks & underwear? Check. Toothpaste and toothbrush? Check. And so on and on.

When I was pretty sure that I had everything I needed, I went to bed. I switched off the lights and I turned around where I saw Parineeti staring at me with big eyes.

"Why are you half naked today? Where is your shirt?", she asked me with big eyes. She was continuously gazing at my chest and my abs.

"Oh. Well, I packed them. Didn't figure out that I was going to need it anyways", I grinned.
"Besides, you are going to keep me warm right?"

Her face flushed and she started blushing. "You have a dirty mind Kapoor! Go to sleep!", she said blushing.

I chuckled. "I will Pari."
I planted a soft kiss on her forehead. Not willing to go so easily, I extended the kiss for a couple more seconds before I pulled away. She noticed and smiled.

"Sweet dreams Kapoor"

"Good night Pari"

I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

Someone was shaking me. "Pari? It's not morning yet. Sleep...", I said while half sleeping.

Again someone shook me. "Parineeti.. let me go..."

This time I heard a soft cry. Again someone shook me. I slowly opened my eyes, only to see that Parineeti was no longer laying in bed. She was gone.

I opened my eyes slowly and I sat up straight. She was standing behind me with tears in her eyes.

"Arjun? Who is Anita?", she said with a shivering voice.


That was how my mom was called...

"Anita? Why?", I asked confused.

"You were screaming for her Arjun! And you were screaming very loudly! I thought that you were having just "another" nightmare but you started crying and you were tossing and turning the entire time. And then you screamed in my ear that it was my fault, that I should've been there instead of drinking in a pub. And then you calmly slept again yaar!"

Oh shit.
This is not good

I sighed deeply. Well, this was it. It makes no sense to hide it anymore.

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