21. ♡ Second chances ♡

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I know... I haven't updated for a week🙈😅. I just didn't really know what to write.... Well anyways, enjoy❤️

Do any of you use Instagram?

Arjun's P.O.V
I didn't know what to do once I saw who were in my house. It was the girl who tried to kiss me and the man who wanted to take Parineeti on a date and then showed up really late.

"Hey sexy! Remember me?", the girl asked us.

"Oh god. Please no...", Parineeti said. I couldn't agree more.

"Okay, let's get straight to the point. What do the two of you want?", I asked.

They both looked at each other. They were a bit unsure of themselves. "Erm..... We erm... yes we erm...."

Varun started chuckling and Shraddha as well. "Why are you laughing?'', I asked. "Bro.. they show up in the middle of the night, without a proper explanation. I bet they're stoned. Look at them!"

As I took a closer look at them I saw what he was talking about. They were both a bit laughing for no reason and randomly pointing to things which weren't there.

''Lead them the way Parineeti'', Shraddha said. Parineeti went to the both of them and basically threw them out of the house.

"That's settled'', she said.

After that we all went to sleep. We were very tired.

I headed to my room. It was locked and I opened the door with the key. I was just about to enter, when I saw that Parineeti was quickly wiping a tear away.

"Why are you crying?", I asked.

"It's nothing. Leave it". She wiped her tears away and gave me a sad smile.
"Open the door please. I want to sleep", she said.

I grinned. "As you wish Tigress."

"I'm not even gonna reply, that's the level of stupidity the comment has!", she screamed.

I laughed and I closed the door.I was on my way to paradise!

Skip time--> 30 minutes later

Alia's P.O.V

I was in my room and was almost falling asleep, when my phone rang. Varun immediatly shifted away from me and put his head under the pillow.

''Alu, turn it off! I want to sleep!''

I hummed. I took my phone and I dropped it. Then I picked it up again and I took a look at the caller ID. My parents were calling.

"Alia turn it off! Who is calling you in the middle of the night?'', he asked while he rubbed in his eyes.

"My parents are calling me Varun."

"Your parents? What do they want?''

''I don't know...''

''Are you still gonna pick up the phone or not?'', he asked annoyed

I hummed.

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