28. ♡ Friends ♡

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Every time I smile, a dentist dies
~Arjun Kapoor

Parineeti's P.O.V
I just finished showering. I love that so much! It so warm! I could shower for hours and I wouldn't regret it!

I step out of the shower and take my towel. While I prepare myself I think about the rest of the day.

What shall I do today? I'd love to go shopping, but not working means no money. And I unfortunately cannot afford to spend even more money...

I could prepare a girls night. Or I can clean my make up and my brushes. Whatever. I'll see . The girls night seemed like a good idea, but I'd have to ask Alia and Shraddha whether they're up for that.

I walk towards my room and I find Arjun there. He is wearing black pants and a white shirt with black stripes. His hair is messy and he is writing something? Since when does Arjun write?

I quietly step towards Arjun. I peep over his shoulder and I see that he isn't writing, but drawing! And it looks spectacular.

He is drawing a woman. She looks like me. She has the same features. He is making a really good face portrait. Who would even know that Arjun could draw this well?!

I covered his eyes with my hands. "Who is it?", Arjun asks confused. He drops his pencil and tries to removes my hands. I start giggling and he laughs.

"Tigress! You?!"

I look at him. "I have a name idiot."

"I know. Old habits, Parineeti" He stresses the p and pulls me towards him.

I'm sitting in his lap now and I look confused at him. "Arjun, what are you doing?"

He smiles. "We're friends now right? Just relax yaar"

"I don't think that friends do-"

"So how are you?" He cuts me off.

I look at him for a long time. He looks back. We look at each other for a few moments. We've never looked at each other like this. His eyes seem to pierce into mine and for a few moments, his eyes are the only thing I see. Then I notice something odd. His eyes have turned a bit darker?! What is happening with his eyes?

"Arjun? Why are your eyes darker? Are you ill?" I immediately feel his forehead and stop gazing him so intense.

He laughingly removes my hand. His eyes have returned to his original shade and he grins. He looks down and then looks at me again.

"It's nothing yaar. I'm fine Tigress. Chalo, lets do something"

He turns his sheet over so I can't see what he's drawing and he gently pulls me from his legs.

He grins. I stand up and leave the room. Arjun follows me.

"So, what shall we do? I'm really bored.."

"Yeah me too. Well, I suppose you go back to drawing. Then I can figure something out. I really need to do something"

"I won't draw. Let's do something together?"

Wait. Is this happening? Is this the same Arjun Kapoor from a few days ago? That same ass who used to call me Tigress now wants to do something with me? I think he's ill. Yeah, he must be. There's no other way. I mean, yes we are friends now. But, we haven't really talked to each other since the whole incident. I guess we just needed comfort in the shed. But apparently he wants to continue.

"Arjun, are you ill? Why are you behaving like this with me? Oh my lord! Arjun is actually being nice to me", I exclaimed while dramatising my whole act.

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