29. ♡Forgive me ♡

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Dedicated to all my silent readers who are either quiet or reading this offline Hey!!!

Sidharth's P.O.V
The sun is shining on my face when I wake up. I silently groan, begging the sun to stop shining on my face so that I can sleep a bit more.

She doesn't stop.

I groan and pull the blankets away. I yawn and rub into my eyes. I'm so tired.

When I look to my left I see Shraddha. She's still sleeping and she was pouting a bit. She looks so cute!

I carefully step out of bed, making sure not to make a sound, and I pull the blankets to her side.

I put on a t-shirt and I walk towards the mirror. I look really tired.

I brush my teeth and sort of fix my hair.

I quietly walk out of the room, towards the stairs, and walk into the bright kitchen. I open a cupboard and find flower. Then I grab some butter, a few eggs and milk. Shraddha will love these pancakes!

Just as I thought about her, she entered the kitchen.

"What's up sleepy head?", I laughed.

She yawned and hugged me. "I wanna sleep. Come..."

"I do not want to. I'll get lazy if I go back to sleep again. Go sleep without me.", I hug her back while smiling. I plant a kiss on her head and she smiles

"I don't want to sleep without you. I'll miss the warmth."

She closes her eyes and leans into the hug. "I love you Sid"

I smile again.The words make me warm and I start smiling like a maniac. "I love you as well munchkin"

We stay there for a while until her stomach starts rambling.

"I guess you're hungry? Let's go. I know a good recipe for pancakes"

She squeals. "Oh my god! Yes! Let's go!" And with that she runs away and starts pouring floor in the bowl.

"Crazy girl", I laugh

"You still love me!"

Varun's P.O.V
It's still early when I enter the hotel for the second time. I can't live without Alia. I need to tell her that it was not me who texted that weird thing.

Just as I enter the hotel, I bump into someone.


We both stare at each other, unable to say anything.

I want to say that I'm sorry. That it wasn't me and I don't know who did it. That I'd never throw our friendship away like that. And that I care about her. I really do.

But my mouth won't open. I forget how to speak and I can't do anything except just stand there. Just look at her.

She looks at me with her questioning angry gaze. She's angry at me and I know. But I can also see that she's happy to see me.

We just look at each other for what seems a decade. We're both in trance and cannot do much except stare at each other.

But she's the one to break the silence

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