13. ♡ They're gone ♡

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A/N —> Varun reacted on Alia's Gully Boy trailer! I'm already saving for a movie ticket!

Alia's P.O.V
I woke up. It was early, around 05.30 I went out of bed and I opened the curtains. Not too much however because then Varun would wake up as the sun was rising and I wouldn't want that since my best friend deserves sleep! Some birds are singing in their trees, out of my sight. The jacuzzi is covered and the gate is locked. The trees are really green, which I didn't get to see a lot in India nowadays. The sky is purple/ dark blueish and with a few clouds here and there. I breathe in the oxygen with a deep breath. The air is polluted here as well, but less than in India. But here it's so cold! I turn back to the room again and I close the window. This could be the last time for me to sleep here. I could be living in India for the rest of my life. There was a chance that I couldn't finish this holiday, as I could be getting married.

But I probably wouldn't. This would be the 100th guy asking me for my allegiance to him and blah blah blah. I didn't want to get married when I was 23 and I don't want to marry now. It isn't difficult to understand!

However I must take the plane to India today. My parents live there. I need to be at the airport at 6.30 as it is an 7 hour flight. I quietly prepare myself and I write a letter for Varun. Unfortunately he wakes up.

"Alia, what are you doing so early?", he asks me with a sleepy voice. His eyes are still sleeping and he doesn't seem to realise what's going on. I caress his hair and join him on the edge of his bed.

"Varun, I need to go to my parents remember. I have a wedding proposal waiting for me."

I think it's the moment after I said that those words he realises that I need to go to India for a wedding proposal.

"Alia.. you can't leave me here yaar. I need you!" Who is gonna comfort me with these bunch of crazy people?" He suddenly sits up straight while hugging me. "Alia..."

I try not to be sad although there is a lump in my throat. I hate seeing Varun sad and I hate goodbyes. Take care my sweet Alu Parotha. Return soon okay? And without a husband!"

"Why without?"

He blushes. "Just because you're too young even though you're almost 26! For me you'll always be that same sweet kid"

" Aww, that's really sweet Dhawan"
He smiles and he kisses my cheek. "How far is the airport from here Als?"

"About 5 minutes I guess."

"Good" he says with a evil smile.

He pulls me into a hug and throws me up on the bed, under the sheets and he quickly wraps his arms around me.

"Now you'll stay with me for the next 15 minutes Bhatt. After that you need to go." I try to smile at him. "I'll be back soon Varun"

"I know but it won't be the same without you."

"He takes a hold of my hand and places a kiss on it. 

I pull his face closer to me and I give him a kiss on his cheek. He smiles and he lays next to me with his arms wrapped around me as I wrap my arms around him as well and I put my head on his chest.
And so we lay there until it's time for me to go.

Sidharth's P.O.V
I was on my way to the airport when I saw Alia coming out of a car. What was she doing here so early? I decided to scare her. I walked up to her, very slowly, and I started breathing very heavy. She froze and I placed my hands on her shoulders and said hi with a very loud voice.

She screamed and looked around while I was so laughing. Omg! That was so funny! I was laughing harder now and my stomach and jaw were hurting.

"Hahaha. Alia your face! Priceless!"
"She smacked me on my arm.

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