3 (August 9th, 1975)

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We were all writing our songs privately for the past couple of days.
I hadn't heard or seen any of the other's texts yet but as I stepped into the kitchen this morning I entered to Deaky chuckling at a piece of paper and Roger standing infront of him, propping up his hands against the kitchen counter to support his body.
The blonde's face looked quite irritated as he was frowning at the bass player.

A short pause entered the room, I could feel the tension between the two of them.
Then, Deaky looked up at Roger, a broad teasing smile on his lips.
"That's funny." he chuckled and looked at the paper again.
Roger hit his palm on the table and shouted: "it's not supposed to be funny, goddammit!"

They hadn't noticed me yet. That's why I cleared my throat as I was standing in the door frame.
They both looked at me immediately.
"G'morning.." I mumbled and entered the kitchen. "What's going on?"

"Roger wrote a love song.... About his car" Deaky responded and I could clearly see how he was trying to hold back his laughter.
"About your car?!" I laughed as I was looking at Roger, then I stole the paper from John's hands and took a look at it.

"With my hands on your grease gun?", I asked in confusion. "What is that even supposed to mean?"

"It's a metaphor, Brian!" Roger shouted and his cheeks turned slightly red. I could not tell if it was because of embarrassment or anger. Maybe a mix of both.

"What kind of metaphor is that supposed to be, Rog?" I joked and Deaky and me laughed.
It was a riduculous song in my opinion as I knew that he was not talking about a metaphor.
"What exactly are you doing with that car, Roger?" Deaky fired. I laughed again and Roger's anger intensified remarkably as he started grabbing different objects and throwing them at us.

"It's not about the fucking car!" Roger claimed. "it's a love song and the car is a metaphor for a person!"
"Then it's not appropriate for children, I'd say... That grease gun part and stuff.." As shy as Deaky seemed at first, that boy could provocate like no one else.
Not a very good combination with Roger's temper as he was the kind of person who exploded over small things.

The blonde grabbed more stuff and threw it towards Deaky who covered his face with his arms protectingly as he was still laughing.

I was wondering who the song was about, though. Did Roger have a new girlfriend again?
I shook my head at that thought. It gave me a weird feeling in my stomach. I didn't like that thought; of Roger and yet another girl...
But him changing partners so frequently meant that he hadn't found the right one yet..

Why was it even bothering me?
I don't know.
Maybe because he was my best friend and I cared about him and his well-being.
Yes, that was probably the reason.

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