13 (August 16th, 1975)

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the days passed and Brian and I got closer and hung out together literally every free minute. Freddie and Deaky seemed to notice.
We didn't want them to - we wanted to keep it a secret for a while. Especially because Brian explained that his family would not be happy with that kind of sudden situation. I did understand him. Mine wouldn't have been happy either I guess but I didn't give a damn about their opinion.
Brian on the other hand cared a lot about other's opinions - especially about his family's opinions. That's why I agreed on keeping our relationship a secret for now.

It was 10 p.m. and the day was basically over. Freddie and I had decided to head over to a small town near the farm to have some fun time in a bar or something - the farm was way too boring over a long period of time.
I wanted Brian to come along this time even though I knew that he didn't really like that kind of entertainment but I just wanted to be with him as I was madly in love.
As I had already dressed myself for the evening - A nice floral shirt and black pants, accompanied by some nice jewelry - I knocked on Brian's bedroom door.
I hear a sincere "Yes" which led me to open the old wooden door and enter the room.
I walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"You comin' along?" I simply asked, smiling at him.
Brian had been reading a book, sitting on his bed as he looked up at me, frowning a little.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
I spread my arms and grinned. "We're going to get drunk~ Have some fun, some laughs and stuff." I grinned even broader, showing my teeth as I stood there in the door frame again, standing like an actual diva.

Brian raised an eyebrow, still holding his book. "Where? In that town over there?" He pointed in a direction he assumed the town would be in.
I nodded.
He shrugged and put his book on the night table. "Okay, why not." He smiled at me.

Wow, I didn't expect it to be so easy.
"Uhm.. Alright then." I smiled. "Get dressed then~" I winked at him through my prescription sunglasses.
I preferred to wear sunglasses instead of normal glasses.. They simply looked way cooler. Glasses were not my style. Way too uncool for a cool dude like me.

"Oh no, that'll do." Brian replied and looked down at his black shirt and black trousers.

I rolled my eyes, then I shrugged. "Sure."


As we arrived at the bar the boys planned on visiting I already knew that something bad was going to happen tonight.
At least we were all together - we could even convince Deaky to come along.

The one thing that Freddie and Roger didn't tell me was that the bar they chose was a gay bar.
As we entered the bar we could see half naked guys everywhere, some dressed in drag, some dressed as police men in leather boots, some simply dressed in shorts... and so on.
I looked at Roger who also seemed quite surprised. Maybe he didn't know that our destination would be a gay bar either.
Deaky however didn't look mad or confused at all - no. He actually seemed like he was having the time of his life as he was drinking and dancing with Freddie and Paul.
Yes, Paul did come along as well which neither of us appreciated but we didn't say a word as we knew that Freddie liked him.

Roger was already downing a shot as I looked at him.
"Did you know that we were going to a gay bar? Or did Freddie surprise you as well?" I chuckled at him and he laughed. "Yupp, Freddie always manages to pull something out of his sleeve!"
We talked a bit, drinking a few beers. Roger was flirting with me non stop.. Which I enjoyed quite a bit.
Suddenly two guys approached us. They were both about as tall as I was - which meant that Roger was by far the shortest which he obviously didn't like.
I smirked and leaned my arm on his head as we started a conversation with the two guys.
Roger hit my arm away in anger and pushed me away which made me laugh - and the two guys as well.
They seemed really friendly. At first.

Soon I noticed that one of them - the taller one - was eyeballing Roger. All the fucking time. And he was also just talking to Roger, really.
To make him understand that Roger was mine I put my arm around my man's shoulders and peeked to the guy on the opposite.


It surprised me that Brian put his arm around me but I didn't mind it either. That's why I leaned against him a little and smiled. It was nice being on a night out with Brian. Especially as he was being so open and we didn't have to act like we were just friends.
Maybe Freddies decision to go to a gay bar wasn't so bad after all. Brian seemed more confident here.

I felt quite dizzy even though I hadn't drunken that much yet.
Maybe I was just tired which didn't stop me from drinking of course.
I emptied my beer and suddenly everything started to spin around me.
That couldn't be from the beer.
I reached for Brian's shirt and held onto it.

"I need some fresh air" I interrupted the conversation between Bri and those guys. I pulled out my pack of cigarettes and Brian gave me a judging look.
"Fresh air, sure", he mumbled, looking at the cigarettes.
I pulled a face, then I staggered towards the exit.

I left through the back entrance which was right next to the forest.
I lighted myself a cigarette and leaned against the building's wall.
My head started to ache horribly and I felt how my body was becoming weaker.
My first thought was: Am I catching the flu or something?
But soon I realised that that couldn't be it.
I put a hand on my forehead and let myself sink to the ground.
My cigarette fell to the ground as a shadow towered above me. - It was one of the guys who had been talking to us. It was the taller one who was even taller than Brian.
Huge guy. Very bulky. He had a quite serious face with scars all over it.
"Are you doing alright?" He asked as he kneeled down next to me.

I didn't react at all as his voice was becoming more quiet with every word he said and his face was becoming blurry at first, then it disappeared into the dark - I fainted.

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