51 (November 23rd, 1975)

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The shopping centre was actually pretty amazing, I had to admit.
It was huge but sadly most of the stuff was very expensive - it almost reminded me of Harrods in London, just not as fancy.
I would just borrow Freddie's jacket.
We always shared clothes.

As we entered the lift in the fifth floor and the door closed behind us, Freddie turned towards us - there was a huge and excited smile on his face.
I raised an eyebrow. "What's the stupid grin for?" I wanted to know and crossed my arms.
"Darlings, I have to tell you something!"
He raised his hands to create some tension, his smile growing bigger.
"Paul just told me..."

He made a dramatic pause.
I raised my eyebrows as I looked at him.
"Told you what?"
"That Bohemian Rhapsody..."
Now my eyes grew big - I had a presumption.

"Hit number one in the charts!!!" He screamed and started dancing around.
Pure happiness filled my face and I started cheering and jumping as well.

We gathered in a circle, hugging each other and jumped up and down in joy - we did it!
We had reached number one in the charts for the first time in our career!
That would be the beginning of something huge, something amazing, something I had always dreamt about!
And most importantly: we could finally make music for a living!
Living our dream like we had always wanted.
I was so happy and I could see that the others were as well.
Even Brian started jumping up and down in excitement.

We all cheered - but suddenly the lift stopped and got filled in red light.
Everything turned silent.
We interrupted our jumping and let our puzzled gazes wander around, not knowing what was going on.

"The hell? Why did it stop?" I asked but Freddie just frowned and shook his head in confusion as he stepped back a little.
Everything was quiet, the only thing that could be heard was the silent flicker of the red light right above our heads that filled the lift with an uncomfortable and dangerous atmosphere.

All of a sudden I could hear the slow crunching of metal ropes and the lift started to move towards the right side on which we were standing slightly. - That's when my face got slapped with fear and turned pale.


My eyes grew bigger and the red chamber we were trapped in seemed to shrink with every abrupt noise that could be heard from the metal ropes.

My heart started beating faster and I didn't dare to move - but Roger did.
He jumped towards the wall and started banging on it.
"Hey! Is someone out there? Hello? Help! We're stuck!" He shouted.
He shrieked as the lift leaned towards his direction a little more and he stumbled back again.

"They can't hear us, we're in between two floors, I think.." John stuttered, I could see the fear in his eyes.

"Goddammit, I didn't write a number one hit just to suffocate in this damn lift!" Freddie cried and grabbed John's arm, pulling the younger one towards him. "Somebody, do something! I'm too valuable to die!"

"Me too!" Roger answered in panic, looking around.
We all gathered in the middle of the small space to distribute the weight evenly.

Then, the red light started to blink and a loud and terrifying alarm started to ring.
We all winced and got down on the floor.
Slowly, the lift started to sink - The ropes were going to break!

Freddie started panicking and pulled Deaky in for a hug.
"We're all gonna die! Oh dear lord, we're going to be crushed!"
"I-it's alright, Freddie!" John tried to calm the lead singer down, patting his back, even though he was clearly hyperventilating himself.

My heart was beating fast as the noise from the ropes got louder and more intense - suddenly my hand felt warm.
I looked down. There was another hand on mine. - It was Roger's!
My eyes went up towards his face.
His eyes were filled with tears.
"Bri, before we die, I- I wanted to tell you.. To tell you that I love you!" he whimpered, then he fell around my neck and hugged me tightly.

I was surprised but filled with shock and fear at the same time.
I squeezed the blond one and buried my face in his shoulder.
"I love you too, Rog. I love you too!"
"At least we're gonna die together!" He cried into my shirt.
"We're not going to die" I tried to calm him down, even though I didn't believe what I was saying myself.
It did sound like the ropes were slowly giving in - and no-one was there to help us!

Freddie reached towards the emergency button and pressed it with shaking hands, then he wrapped his arms around Deaky again who seemed to appreciate Freddie's calming hug.


We were all about to die.
The red light in combination with the strident sound of the alarm drove me crazy.
Deaky didn't move, he was just holding onto my shirt, trying to stay calm.
He peeked at me, panic and tears in his eyes.
"Freddie, I don't want you to die.." He whispered in a hoarse voice.
"Me? What about you, darling?"
"You're more important, I'm just the bass player..."
I shook my head violently. "That's absolute bollocks, sweetheart! You're just as important!"
I pulled him in for a hug again and squeezed him tightly.
"I don't know what I'd do without you! Stop saying such stupid things."

The lift yanked down further.
"I don't want to die yet!" I cried.
"We're are the bloody fire fighters when we need them?!" Roger sounded terrified.
We were all going crazy, driven by mortal agony.

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