14 (August 16th, 1975)

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Roger didn't return and neither did the guy who left us to 'go to the bathroom'. I became quite worried and nervous after a while, then I decided to have a look outside.
He must have finished smoking his cigarette by now. He didn't seem to feel too well before leaving... I should have gone with him.
I sighed and hurried outside, leaving the other chap alone without any explanation.
Usually, that wasn't my style but Roger was more important right now.

It was really dark, the only light source was a single light bulb hanging from the roof of the building's backside.
I looked around;

No Roger.

I peaked around the corners of the walls; no Roger either.

Now I was really worried.
"Rog?" I started shouting, not too loud though. There were people around after all.

For a moment I stared into the black forest. I could only see the first few trees - well, their silhouettes - and after that there was just a massive black hole, I couldn't see anything.

Could it be that Roger entered the forest?

I was praying to god that he didn't go in there. Finding him in a pitch black forest would be impossible.
But there hadn't been another option for him than to go into the forest, so I gulped and stepped away from the bar, into the darkness.
I had to find that stupid boy after all.

As soon as I was surrounded by trees I started shouting: "Roger? Roger! Where are you?"

No answer.
In the distance I could still hear the bar's music so I knew that I wasn't too far away from the local yet.

My gaze wandered towards the car parking slots in the near distance.
There was a bright red car and it's backdoor was open.
I could identify a man leaning onto someone inside the car - probably a girl. Or a boy. This was a gay bar after all.

I squinted my eyes to see more but that didn't help much.

It hit me like a rock as I heard Roger's rather high pitched voice: "No..! What are you doing?"
He sounded quite exhausted but rather calm.
And it came from the car!

Without even thinking I sprinted towards the car.
Whilst running through the forest I picked up a large branch from the ground and as I finally reached the car I flang the branch onto the stranger's back, screaming.

The branch broke into three pieces as it hit the man and I recognized his face: it was the guy from earlier.
He screamed loudly, stumbled backwards and fell onto the ground, exposing Roger who was lying on the car's backseat.

Roger looked at me and smiled. His eyes were red and extremely exhausted, his pupils were huge and he was pale.
He seemed very high.

"Roger, what happened?!" I wanted to know as I pulled him towards me, out of the car.

His shirt was unbuttoned and a few hickeys covered his chest and belly.

"I- I don't know, Bri.." he brabbled and rubbed his eyes, then he laughed. He couldn't even talk properly.
He fell into my arms and grabbed onto my shirt.
"I don't feel so g- good.."
He was trembling and then I could feel his body slump. I held him, not knowing what was going on.

"Rog... Roger?" I asked but no answer. He wasn't conscious anymore.

I started panicking and looked around.
My eyes landed on the guy who was now standing up from the ground.

My eyes widened in horror. I lifted Roger up and hurried away.
The guy didn't follow us, though.
He just watched me carry Roger back into the black forest before the protective darkness swallowed us completely.

I didn't want to imagine what would have happened if I wouldn't have found Roger in time.
What did that man want to do to him?
Well, I could imagine, acutally and I didn't like that thought at all.
I got really angry thinking about that and I shook my head.
Why would anyone do that?

I wandered through the forest, carrying Roger in my arms.
He was fast asleep.
Finally, we reached the road and my orientation was back.
It was about a five minute walk to get back to the farm so I decided to bring Roger back.
I brought him home without telling the others that we were leaving.
They were having fun so it was okay.

I could actually imagine Deaky and Freddie dancing on the pole which was a funny thought.

And of course I didn't want to embarass Roger who was easly embarrassed by such things even though there were many embarassing stories to tell about the drunken him.

He became conscious again as I was carrying him home but he was still on whatever drug had been put into his drink.
He simply looked at me, not saying anything, then he started laughing. His pupils were still an unnormal size, colouring his usually sky blue eyes nearly all black.
"Briii..." He exhaled and put his hands on my cheeks, looking into my eyes.
"Why are you so pretty today?" He smiled broadly.
I rolled my eyes. "Because you are high on something.." I mumbled.
He laughed again. "Kiss meee!"
"No, Roger. We're going home now." I removed his hands from my cheeks and continued walking.

Luckily the way wasn't too long as he did become heavy after about two minutes already and he was also very annoying.. and horny. Which would have been in my interest if he hadn't been on drugs.
I didn't want to do anything to him as long as he was under the influence of some substance so I just tried to ignore his flirt trials and touches as good as I could.

We arrived at the farm, it was half past one by now and I was deadly exhausted. Not to talk about Roger who was probably hallucinating or whatever.
He fell asleep again as soon as we arrived and I was glad that he did.

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