49 (November 22nd, 1975)

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The shopping tour with Freddie had actually calmed me down a little as everything was way too stressful for me at the moment.
Freddie had seemed to enjoy the little trip too, especially since he was planning to break up with Prenter as soon as possible, which made him think about things too much. I knew that it wasn't easy for him because Freddie really seemed to have a problem with being alone.

We had bought some new outfits for the shows, some pretty rad ones;
I had bought some nice patchwork denim jeans and a fitting denim shirt to go with it. Oh, and also a simple black and white striped shirt - to go with my beautiful new velvet jacket with that amazing phoenix pattern on it.
And some sparkly, pink sneakers because I just  couldn't go past them - they had sequins on them!
Not the cheapest investment - but certainly a stylish one. And I needed those clothes, I didn't have proper ones for the upcoming journey to Japan, which I was really excited about!

Freddie had spent at least double the amount of money I had spent - just for his outfits.
He had also bought some shirts for Brian and John, because he felt like they needed them for Japan, too.



The evening arrived and all day long I couldn't help but observe my bandmates;
John and Brian seemed to avoid each other quite obviously which bothered me. I really wanted to know what was going on. I didn't want any arguments in the band. It would damage our image and that would just be another tidbit for the BBC.
It seemed like I had to solve that problem - or at least push one of the two to solve it.

That's why I followed Deaky into his room in the evening, after Brian had snapped on him and called him a greedy walrus for stealing the last piece of cake Paul had brought us for a nice afternoon tea - or rather evening tea as it was already ten to nine. 

Brian and Roger were still in the kitchen, in company of Paul who had come to visit us as he was housed in a hotel for the night.  

Deaky had said that he was 'tired' and wanted to get a good night's rest as it was the last night in a proper bed but I knew that it wasn't because of that but rather because of Brian's comment.
He never talked about it but I could see that he was always getting very insecure as soon as someone said something on the meaner side to him - he took everything way too seriously.

Deaky was sitting on his bed - staring at a small package of something. Probably some kind of medicine.

"Hey, darling!" I swayed into the room and let the door fall shut behind me.
He immediately hid the package behind his back and looked at me with big eyes.
"Freddie! Why are you here?"
I smiled and shrugged, then I joined him on the bedside.
"Brian didn't mean it, he just wanted that piece of cake" I laughed and laid a hand on the younger boy's shoulder. "To be honest, I wanted it too."
Deaky chuckled. "Oh, I didn't take that seriously, don't worry.." He explained.
"Whatever, what's the tea between Bri and you?" I wanted to know now.
"Tea? Nothing."
I stared deep into his eyes with raised eyebrows, showing him that I wanted an answer. Now.
Deaky sighed and let his gaze sink to his lap.
"Well, there's this guy we both fancy and-"
"It's Roger."
"Y- Ye- Maybe."
A short pause interrupted our conversation, then Deaky started to speak again:
"Bri doesn't want you to steal his man?"
"I'm not-"
"You can't just steal someone's man, that's a no-no, darling."
"I can't help it, Fred, what am I supposed to do?" His voice got slightly louder now.
I tilted my head a little. "What do you mean with 'I can't help it'?" I asked and stroked over his shoulder to keep him a little calmer.
"W- Well, you know, it's - I like Roger. How am I supposed to change my feelings?"

I looked at him for a second, then I started laughing.
"Oh, darling!"
Now he seemed to get a little annoyed, his facial expression changed.
"What's so funny?" He asked and shook my hand from his shoulder.
I exhaled and looked at him, smiling.

"Falling in love isn't as magical as you think, lovey. You need to learn how to love. You can fall in love with any person if you get to know them better." I thought about my next sentence for a moment.
"Ah! I know how to explain it now. - People are like artworks, actually. If you study them, or get known to them, you get to see a person's multiple layers - the good and the bad ones. And those multiple layers working together are the beauty in one's soul which makes us fall in love."
John frowned, then his eyes wandered towards mine. I could see his confusion.
"It's not that Roger is your true and only love - because there is no such thing. There will be many people in your life you'll claim to be in love with - and that's okay. Just don't stick with the one who causes you that much trouble. You can fall in love with someone better for you." I winked at him and grinned.
He nodded as he stared into the air.
"Don't be sad, sweetie." I tried to cheer him up a little.
"You know... I just feel so lonely..." He sighed. I pulled him in for a hug.
"You don't need to feel lonely! I love you - we all do! We're a family, remember?"
Again, he nodded. 
He seemed to think about my words which was all I had wanted to achieve.

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