54 (November 30th, 1975)

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In the morning, my face pressed against Brian's shoulder; smelled like peach tea and sleep and just Bri.
There was a weight in my arms and legs and I never wanted to wake up.
Every single thing was perfect at that exact moment.

I knew that I had to sort out the situation with Deaky but I wanted to stay in bed just a little longer - just for ten minutes or so - because Brian was so soft, so cuddly, so warm... I didn't want this moment to end, ever.
I let my head sink onto his chest.
I could feel his heart beat.

Brian moaned silently and put a hand onto my back as I pressed a kiss onto his way too prominent rib cage.
I pushed myself up a little, to be able to kiss his neck.
He smelled so nice; he always did.

It was eight in the morning and
usually Brian was the one who woke up early, at around that time, to prepare some breakfast, but not this time.
A smirk sneaked onto my lips as I peeked up at him, admiring his beautiful face.
The dimmed bedroom with the blinds still shut made the soft and weak light, falling from the small spaces between the wooden planks, shine onto his jaw and neck.
The guitar player was still sound asleep, his face all covered in his dark brown curls. He was using up all the space in the French style bed, stretching his long limbs in all directions; I liked to call him daddy long legs because of how skinny and long his legs and arms were.

We had stayed awake quite late last night and after such a long time it had probably been a bit exhausting for Brian.
Not for me, of course.
I had just been as energetic as ever which he had seemed to enjoy.

My arms wrapped around him and I closed my eyes, not noticing that I was slowly falling asleep again.


I woke up at around half past ten by the sound of sizzling which was coming from the kitchen.
The bed side next to me was empty and cold.
I moaned and stretched my arms as I rolled into the middle of the bed, staring at the ceiling for a few moments, then I got up.

As I trotted into the kitchen, Brian had almost finished preparing breakfast - or rather brunch by now.

"Good morning" I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You'd make a good house wife, you know!" I chuckled as he rolled his eyes.
"Thanks for the remark."

As planned, I called Deaky right after we've had brunch. I owed him an explanation, after all. And I wanted to manipulate him a little, just to get him started.
He didn't answer the phone, though, which was very unusual for him.
Normally, he would answer right away.

'Did something happen to him? Maybe he has done something stupid because of me. Maybe something horrible happened!' - my exaggerated thoughts started to create panic inside my head but I tried to shake these stupid assumptions out of my mind;
No, no. John was a sensible person. He wouldn't just do stupid things like that.
At least I hoped so.

I'd just walk to Deaky's place - but then again I didn't really want to because it was so far away.
Brian could come with me, his car was standing right infront of the flat...
And right after playing with that thought, I already looked at my boyfriend with big eyes.

"Bri, do you want to go with me?"
Brian, who was cleaning the dishes by now, turned towards me frowning.
"Well, I don't really want to, but-"
"Great! Let's go!"
I didn't let him finish his sentence because I didn't want to give him the chance to find an excuse.

Instead of telling Deaky that I didn't like him that way and that I only wanted to be with Brian, I had thought of an amazing plan;

Even though I had told Brian that I was joking, I would try and make Deaky fall in love with Freddie and vice versa.
Freddie needed to get rid of Paul anyways - he needed a caring and loving person in his life, which, in this case, would be Deaky.

I smirked as we pulled into Deaky's street.
What a master plan!
What a genius I was.

I rang the door bell and waited for a little while - but no-one opened.
I rang again. No answer.
As I wanted to press the button a third time, Brian stopped me by taking my hand, then he let them sink down and intertwined our fingers. - We were basically holding hands. In public. In the middle of London!

Excitement filled my body and I grinned broadly as my gaze wandered towards our hands.
I squeezed Brian's hand and looked at him.

"Doesn't look like he's home.." He stated.
"Where is he supposed to be then?"
"Maybe he went out for lunch?"
"Alone?" I raised an eyebrow and looked at the taller one.
"Why not?"
I shrugged and we decided to go out for some coffee which in my mind was a date.

"It's a date, right, Bri?" I asked just to be sure.
"We're going out for coffee, Rog..." he sighed.
"Yeah, but, like, together, holding hands." I moved our intertwined hands a little to remind him of it. "So it's basically a date, right?"
"If you say so..."
"Just say it! It's a date!"
Brian chuckled and squeezed my hand a little. "Okay, it's a date then."

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