Chapter 3: Crawford and Chris Collins

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"He threatened your brother?" Crawford asks interrupting my story.

"Yeah and the weird part was he knew my brother could go to jail." I chew on my lip nervously.

"Now I wish I had gone. Chris was there." he rolls over to look at me, causing me to blush at the mention of his brother. I kind of have a crush on Crawford's older brother Christopher. Though if you saw him you would understand. Short spiked brown hair piercing green eyes, and a smile that makes all the girls melt. And don't get me started on his dimples. I've had a crush on Chris since he tutored me in math my sophomore year, so I've liked him for about a year.

"Earth to Kenzie?" Crawford waves his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry..I was just thinking about something." I grin.

"My brother?" Crawford asks. I nod and he frowns. "Kenzie why do you like him? he's a jerk. He uses girls and then dumps them!" he sighs.

"I know, but I believe that he's a sweet guy somewhere inside of him." I smile.

"Yeah deep down inside of him...." he shakes his head.

"How is your girlfriend?" I ask changing the subject.

" Dumped me yesterday." he sighs.

"Why?" who could dump Crawford. Like his brother he has brown hair but his bangs are swept across his brown eyes. Also like his brother he has a killer smile and one cute little dimple. If Crawford and I weren't just friends I probably would have dated him, because he's attractive, plus he's about the only person at our school that can make me laugh.

"She likes someone else." he looks down at his lap.

"I'm sorry, i know how much you liked her." I gently take his hand. He smiles at me.

I turn my head as the door opens and Chris walks into the bedroom.

"what do we have here?" he smirks looking at Crawford and I.

"Nothing man..." Crawford narrows his eyes at his brother.

"then why are you two holding hands?" I look down and quickly pull my hand away, embarrassed.

"I was comforting him." I say.

"Alright what ever you say, but remember kids a shoulder to cry on becomes a dick to ride on." Chris smirks and I'm memorized by his smile.

"Shut up dude!" Crawford grabs a pillow off his bed and throws it at Chris, who catches it. "We are just friends!"

"Okay bro, if that helps you sleep at night." Chris starts laughing.

"You are going to piss me off!" Crawford growls.

"Alright I'll go." he turns to leave but not before saying, "I'd watch it because looks like the new kid in town wants your girl too." he then leaves. I forgot he was at the party last night.

"Wow...." Crawford says.

"Yeah, I forgot he went last night." I sigh.

"I don't like you like that." he mutters.

"Crawford I never said you did..." he looks really upset right now.

"Just be careful, because we don't know what this JC guy is capable of." he looks at me.

"I will...just don't get all weird like Kian."

"I will only get weird if he hurts you." Crawford smiles.

"Okay, and I don't think he will. If he was he would have done it by now, right?"

"To be honest I don't know because I've never met the dude." he shrugs.

"Come to the bonfire tonight, hopefully he will show." I smile. "And if not then I'm not going to feel so awkward by myself."

"I'll be there."

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