Chapter 10: Jack Gilinsky, my personal bodyguard

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On the way home, I tell Matt everything that happened from getting home to Chris to JCS attitude.

He patiently listens and waits till I'm finished before he opens his mouth,


"Yeah, I don't know what to do." I sigh running my fingers through my blonde hair.

"Well I wouldn't worry too much about JC. If he likes you he will tell you." Matt says.

"But do I really want to get involved with my brothers rival?" I ask him.

"True, but I wouldn't exactly date Chris or Crawford either."

"I'm pretty sure Crawford won't talk to me and Chris is scared I'm going to tell my brother." I say as we approach my house.

"Well good luck. I'm way out of my turf and I will text you later." He says shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Okay." I say before heading up the sidewalk and entering my house. "Hello?"

"Kenzie!?"I hear Kians frantic voice call from the living room.

"Yeah?" I walk into the living room to see Kian looking worried next to a dark haired guy wearing jeans and a red shirt. I notice the blue bandana on his arm before Kian is up and hugging me tightly.

"I'm so glad you are safe." He mumbles not letting go of me. I'm forced to hug him back. He pulls away and looks me over. "They didn't hurt you did they?" I assume he's talking about JCS gang. Chris must have ratted.

"No, I'm alright." I give him a small smile. I then nod towards the kid sitting on the couch. "Who's he?"

"That is Jack Gilinsky. Your body guard." Kian says motioning for Jack to stand up. When he does I immediately notice his height and muscular build. Yeah, this guy could probably protect me well.

"Do I need a body guard?" I ask raising my eyebrow at my brother.

"Kenzie, they've managed to get you alone too many times." Kian says motioning for Jack to walk over. "I need you safe."

"Hello Kenzie." Jacks deep voice scares me and gives me shivers.

"Hi." My voice comes out slightly squeaky causing Kian to raise his eyebrows at me.

"Okay, well I will leave you two alone to get to know each other." Kian says walking out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"I have business to attend to." He then leaves. I wince as the front door slams shut after him.

"So..."I say turning to Jack who just stands there.

"Call me Gilinsky." He smiles at me causing my heart to skip a beat.

"Okay Gilinsky, how are you prepared to defend me?" I ask crossing my arms.

"I have martial arts training and if necessary this." He raises up his shirt to reveal a gun. My eyes go wide at the guns and the six pack he also reveals. He let's go of his shirt and I inwardly sigh.

"Nice." I nod in approval.

"Kian, did they find-" I turn to see Chris walk into the room. "Kenzie! Thank god you are safe!" He smiles.

"I'm sure you are." I cross my arms.

"Who is he?" Chris' eyes narrow at Jack.

"I'm her bo-"

"Boyfriend. He's my boyfriend." I interrupt Gilinsky who gives me a weird look. I give him one back telling him to go along with it.

"You didn't have a boyfriend earlier..." Chris looks at me suspiciously.

"We just met and things just clicked, right babe?" I say looking at Gilinsky praying he goes along with it.

"Yep." He pops the "p".

"Oh, well you must be new to Kians gang then, cause I've never met you." Chris sticks his hand out. "I'm chris collins."

"Jack Gilinsky." Gilinsky shakes his hand.

"If you boys will excuse me, I'm going to go change and go swimming." I saw heading upstairs.

"I'll come with you babe." Gilinsky says following me. I roll my eyes. Just because he's my bodyguard doesn't mean I'm going to get kidnapped in my own house.

I head into my room and jump as my door shuts. I turn to see Gilinsky looking confused.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

"Now is that anyway to treat your 'boyfriend'" he uses air quotes around boyfriend.

"Yep." I mock him by popping the "p".

"Fair enough. Why am I your boyfriend?" He asks as I sit down on my bed.

"That guy down there? Chris? Earlier he kissed me, knowing his brother liked me and when I told him off he tried to..." I trail off as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." Gilinsky says sitting next to me.

"No, its alright. Anyway I figured if you pretended to be my boyfriend he wouldn't try it again." I sniff.

"Well then just call me your bodyguard/boyfriend." He grins at me.

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