Chapter 1

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Holly looked down at her job list on her laptop, for weeks she's been looking for a full time job but hasn't had any luck yet. She sighed lightly feeling her boyfriend Nick kissing her neck. She smiled but almost cringed at the same time. She loved her boyfriend but she doesn't think she's enough for him.

"Any luck with the job hunting babe?" Nick spoke sucking on a spot on her neck , she shifted lightly .

"No not yet " she frowned closing her laptop

Nick had a tight grip around her small petite body , holly leaned back lightly smiling but then had a thought. She got up slowly shifting out of his grip only to be pulled back.

"Where do you think your going ?"
"To make dinner " holly said short and sweet she pulled him off her and walked into the kitchen. She took out some pasta and the sauce and started cooking.

Whilst holly was cooking she felt her boyfriends presence again behind her. "What are you cooking babe?" He spoke biting her ear


Nick sighed "Can't we have something different than boring old pasta?"

"Well yea you can , order something then " she sassed

"Don't talk to me that way , why should I order and waste money when I've got you to cook whatever I want. " Nick turned holly around to face him with a stern look.

Holly gulped looking in his eyes "Understood?" Nick said digging his nails into her arm hard leaving marks and that would definitely leave a bruise.

Holly's breath hitched she nodded quickly

"Good girl " Nick whispered smacking her ass

Holly cringed looking down at the steamy bowl of pasta in front of her.


"Eddy when will haz and marcy be home from work?"

"Soon princess they are finishing earlier than usual, they are helping me find a new maid for the house and to look after you while we're at work sometimes. Would you like that baby ?" Edward kissed his omegas head gently.

"Yea but only if she's nice " Louis pouted

Edward kissed his pout "oh trust me I will make sure which ever Maid we find is professional , kind and very nice to you I would never let anyone hurt you sweetheart. Edward held him close

All of a sudden Harry and marcel entered the house , marcel excited more than anything came in with some papers and took out his laptop.

"Soo eddy me and haz have been working on an advert for a new maid we want to show you first for approval , I thought I'd get the ball rolling. " Marcel turned his laptop around showing Edward the advert . "It isn't published on the job site yet until we have your confirmation of course . Marcel blushed sitting with them.

"Do I get a word in this marcel " Harry spoke shaking his head , he took off his jacket and shoes sitting next to Lou.

"Great work darlings but you should of waited for me , you know the rules " ed warned

"But you like it right?" Harry smirked

"Yea but that's besides the point " Edward rolled his eyes and clicked the publish button.

"You have my approval " Edward spoke

Louis giggled cuddling with Harry

"Great now we wait !"

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