Chapter 15

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Louis POV

"Ah! ,Ouch!" Louis winced at the pain in his leg, nick kicked his leg and the bone cracked luckily it didn't snap completely. What Louis was relieved of is that marcel is a doctor and he has his own medical room.

"Okay my Lou bear this gonna feel slightly hot going around your leg, but this cast will fix you up okay darling?." Marcel spoke firmly but gentle.

"Louis laid out on the bed holding onto Harry's hand, every now and again Harry would wipe the tears from Louis cheeks. He grabbed Louis hand kissing it gently. " Your okay my darling, you're were so brave down there , I'm so proud of you." Harry continued kissing his hand and cheek lightly. Louis began to sob, all the emotions and build up of everything was kicking in.

"Baby boy hey shh shh, it's alright your safe , everyone's okay , no one else is going to get hurt I promise. "B-but what a-about e-eddy h-he's still d-down there ." Louis sobbed
Harry looked at marcel worried, but they knew Edward would have sorted everything by now.

Marcel placed the cast slowly on Louis leg ,"Eddy is fine beautiful, he's strong remember he can take care of things just right, you know that. " He will be up to see you soon. " Marcel finished up with the cast and leaned over kissing his boyfriend forehead and bringing him in for a hug.

"What you need is some sleep, you're exhausted from all that bravery you did today, little soldier." Marcel wiped away the tears from Louis cheek and set him down. "Are you still in pain at all princess?" Harry said brushing his hand through his feathery hair.

Louis nodded laying back looking stressed and tired,"I can give you something for the pain okay " Louis flinched away at the thought of needles.

"No no darling it's okay I have medicine for the pain or tablet form would you prefer that.

"M-medicine " Louis hiccuped holding Harry's hand tight

"Okay bub lets see what we have here "Marcel looked through his medicine cabinet and grabbed a bottle and spoon, . "Okay open wide lou " marcel moved the spoon close to his mouth.

Louis opened his mouth wide swallowing the strawberry flavoured medicine. "It should make you sleep now sweetheart , "did you want Harry to carry you to bed or would you like to stay here for the night.

"O-our bed and c-cuddles" he hiccuped again opening his arms to Harry. Harry instantly scooped him gently carrying him to their bedroom.

"W-where's holly.. is.. is she okay?" Louis sniffled

"She's okay baby, I put her in one of the guest rooms, she's sleeping. Louis nodded hiding his face in Harry's chest. Harry smiled kissing the top of his head and placed him in there king size bed , he slowly got into bed with Louis, followed by marcel.

A little later Edward walked in the bedroom, he had already showered so he was fresh and ready to hit the heigh. He smiled at the three in the bed , he slipped off his shirt and slipped into his side of the bed , he cuddled up and fell asleep.

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