Chapter 4

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Louis smiled shaking the young women's hand "Hello, its lovely to m-meet you " Louis stuttered nervously.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Louis " Holly said politely. "Well I guess I better leave you all to it, I'll see you tomorrow ." She smiled lightly , Edward showed her out.

"See you then Holly" Edward spoke opening the door for her. Holly walked to her car and got inside, she then turned her phone on getting a load of texts from her boyfriend nick .

"Where the hell are you holly!"
"You think you can go out with out telling me?"
"Don't even bother coming home "

"If you do Youl know it !"

Hollys tears spilled down her cheeks , she became scared and nervous ,but she didn't realise is Edward stood on the door looking around. She wiped her tears quickly pulling out of the drive way , lucky enough Edward didn't see her crying.


Holly opened the front door of her house quietly trying not to make any noise what's so ever. She gulped closing the door behind her , "Nick?" She called and got no answer , the room reeked of booze and cigarettes.

She walked into the living room seeing a cloud of smoke coming out of nicks mouth. "Oh nice of you to show up darling!" He sarcastically said blowing the smoke in her face which caused her to cough.

"Nick I-"

"Save it bitch! He stubbed his cigarette in the ashtray and stood up gripping her jaw. "Do you think you can just walk out of here without permission huh!?"

"P-permission?" She stuttered

"I had t-to I had an interview for a j-job, and I got it"

Nick just looked at her blankly , but nick raised his hand slapping her across the cheek hard her face flew the other way. He gripped the back of her pony tale pulling it back harshly. She winced shaking badly .

"P-please I t-thought you'd be h-happy " she sniffed earning a punch to the cheek. He was clearly drunk as hell at this point. She grabbed her cheek falling to the ground a sobbing mess.

"Nick please s-stop"

"When do you start.. this job!" He spat


Nick noticed the bruise forming on her cheek ,"Youl need to cover that up then."

She nodded getting up slowly heading off upstairs.


Ugh I hate him 🙈

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