Chapter 17

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Holly 4 months pregnant

So holly listened to what Edward said and decided to keep the baby, she quite liked the idea of being a young mum.
She rubbed her small bump as she felt little movements, she well enough to start her job again in the house hold and the triplets didn't mind her getting back to work, she'd prefer that to keep her mind occupied.

The triplets were in the living room playing video games whilst Louis was stealing kisses off Harry.

Holly smiled hearing giggles and just the sound of laughter every so often. She finished up cleaning the work tops , she put the dishes in the dish washer and began moping the floor.

Louis leg was healed now although it was still sensitive when he walked but marcel always kept an eye on him.  Holly moped the whole kitchen and hall but put a wet floor sign up for the boys so there weren't any accidents.

Whilst the floor was drying she walked into the living room. "Hey everyone, I wondered if you'd like me to prepare dinner?" She asked politely

The triplets looked towards her "Na we will order something lovely don't worry , you want anything?" Harry said

"Depends what your ordering " she said

"What will it be guys pizza, Chinese?"

"Pizza " Louis chirped up grinning like Cheshire Cat.
Edward giggled "Alright pizza it is?"

"Would you like me to sort out the orders ?" Holly asked

"Yes please holly , thank you " Marcel spoke handing her the house phone. Holly took the phone out into the hall. "Oh wait what flavour pizzas ?"

"Uh two pepperoni pizzas and one veggie for marcel and a plain cheese for Louis , and whatever your having." Edward spoke

Holly nodded taking walking back out into the hall dialling the pizza place. "Hi can I order two pepperoni pizzas , one veggie two plain cheese pizzas please. That's everything , thank you " she hang up and walked back into the living room putting the phone back on the hook. "All done " holly smiled she noticed Louis looking at her noticed small bump.

"Holly can Louis feel your bump?" The boys were taken back by his question but they smiled anyway.

"Um.. sure " holly walked over sitting next to him , she felt his small dainty hand press against her belly. He giggled "Aw so cute and so small " Louis beamed

The triplets smiled at the moment , "So your 4 months along now right? Edward asked

Holly nodded "Yea it's gone quick " she gulped nervously. Louis lets go after a while and cuddled up to harry.

"How about I make you guys something to drink .. milkshakes anyone?"

Louis gasped nodding quickly "chocolate for me please " Lou squealed

She looked at the triplets "oh uh two banana and strawberry please ."

Holly nodded and walked out of the room, she skipped to kitchen forgetting the floor was still wet and slipped tripping over the step landing on her stomach. "Ah!" She winced holding her stomach tightly. A massive pain shot through her stomach and she screamed slightly , but the living room door was sound proof.

Holly slowly moved herself off the floor as she heard the door bell ring. The pain had started to ease as she walked to the door opening it up. She grabbed the pizzas paying the guy.

She winced again walking back to the living placing the pizzas down on the coffee. "Pizza smells gooood" Edward licked his lips hungrily.

Holly smiled slightly sitting down "Holly where's the milkshakes?" Oh gosh I'm sorry I-" she got up quickly wincing , she doubled over holding her stomach, "Ahh!"

The triplets stood quickly gasping , Louis gulped , "

"H-holly your bleeding " marcel yelled

But all holly saw was darkness passing out onto the floor.

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