Chapter 9

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Holly got home that evening she was slightly late than usual but she really didn't care , she was tired and just wanted to sit down and relax.

She opened the door with her keys and slowly closed the door. "Nick I'm home " she spoke gentle 

It was quiet which was unusual , she walked towards the living and the light was switched, completing pitch black. She gasped hearing "You're late baby" nick spoke blowing the smoke from his cigarette.

"Yea.. I can explain that " she switched on the lamp seeing nick looking right at her waiting for an explanation." "Well?"

"I-I um.. I.."

"Spit it out holly " he spat

"I fainted.. "

Nicks eyes widened putting out his cigarette in the ashtray." You fainted?" He actually sounded concerned.

"Yea..I guess I over worked myself "

"Well you took on this job, you gotta expect hard work."

Holly shook her head "Jee thanks nice to know you care nick." Holly spoke confident but pissed as she thought at least her boyfriend would care enough. She turned her back on him but felt his hand grab her wrist swinging her around.

She gasped feeling his hot breath on her neck, he looked her placing his finger against her bottom lip pushing it down lightly. "Don't you dare talk to me like that do you understand me little girl?"

"I'm n-not a little girl n-nick" with that she earned a slap across the face , she felt her body being picked up and slammed against the hard floor , hitting her ribs against the coffee table. "Ahh!!! " holly cried out holding her ribs.

"N-nick please stop.. please " she winced from the pain in her side. The tears dripped down her cheeks , the one red and slightly bruised from the harsh slap.

"You know what.. fuck you , I'm going to bed be up early in the morning because I'm taking you and I'll be picking you up, and if you're not on time I'll drag you out myself. Nick spoke looking down at her and walked off.

Holly breathed heavily, she held her side it was so painful she could hardly make herself stand. She crawled to the couch climbing on and managed to put a blanket over herself.

She led down slowly and cried herself to sleep.

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