Chapter 13

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Marcel's POV

Marcel sat at his desk in the medical room looking over some test results from holly, he picked up a stick dipping it into a urine test, his eyes widened seeing the results. He gulped getting up and washing his hands. 

Holly laid still on the bed , she's been told to have bed rest to heal her rib. Marcel bit his lip wondering how he's going to tell her , her test results. Holly moved her head around as she felt a stare and looked straight at marcel.

"Um.. everything o-okay?" He muttered

Marcel said down on the chair "I've checked your test results and you do know that you are 2 months pregnant right?"

At that moment holly froze but her breathing picked up rapidly. Marcel rushed and grabbed a paper bag giving it to her. "Just breathe in and out please holly."

"T-two months .. I-I didn't even know I was pregnant at all." She gulped

"Well being beaten by that asshole id say that baby is lucky to be alive.

"I-I can't have h-his baby.. I j-just can't I.. we used protection I know we did I.." holly stopped and gulped "but there was one t-"

Marcel looked up concerned

"I-I didn't w-want to- to he f-forced he-"
"Alright shh you don't have to carry on holly calm down just breathe okay ."

Holly breathed into the paper bag and was told by marcel to lift up her shirt to scan her stomach, she did as she was told .

"Now this will be cold ok love " marcel said smearing the gel on stomach , "now I'm not a trained midwife but I do know what I'm doing as a doctor okay holly?"

She nodded wiping her tears marcel placed the scan on her stomach and the image came up on the screen.  The baby was so small but marcel feared for it as holly had beaten so many times without knowing about this pregnancy.

Holly looked and squeezed her eyes shut looking away. "I-I can't do this !" She wiped off the gel getting up slowly , she rushed to the door wincing in pain bumping into Harry , Edward and Louis , all with concerned faces.

"Holly wait!"marcel said before she rushed down the hall.

Marcel slammed his hand on the desk "dammit "

"What the fuck is going on marcel!?" Harry asked

"Holly .. she's pregnant .. he raped her."

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