Chapter 6

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Holly was on her break , she had worked non stop all morning and the boys were super impressed with her.  She switched on her mobile whilst sitting outside on the chair by the pool. A load of texts came through and miss calls from nick.

Holly pressed nicks number and rang it, he answered straight away. "Hi.. nick" she spoke

"Hey babe, why didn't you answer my calls or texts?" Nick spoke

"Because I've been working non stop this morning and haven't had time to get on my ph-"

"Are you being sarcastic with me?" He spat

"N-no I'm not I- I'm ju-"

"I don't care if I call you , you fucking pick up princess."  "I can't nick its m-my first day and-"

"Just be home on time tonight all there will punishments " with that he hung up

Holly looked at her phone shocked , she wiped her tears away slowly looking at the water in the pool glistening. She put her phone away and stood up checking the time. She still had 5 minutes of her break left but she figured she'd go back inside.

Little did she know Edward was watching her on cctv   Cameras, and he heard every word. He frowned confused of why she was stuttering so much , not to mention her getting upset. But who was this nick guy?. He saved the video to show the boys later , something was up and Edward didn't like it one bit.


Hey guys a bit short but I hope you like this book so far.

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