Chapter 14

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Holly rushed downstairs to the kitchen, she took out a bottle of water, sitting down on the stool. She steadied her breathing and sipped her water. She looked around the house, thinking this was the biggest mistake coming here. She sniffled crying quietly to herself, but jumped when she heard a crash below her. Holly gasped getting off her stool and followed the sound.

She followed it to a wooden door , she placed her ear to it hearing groans and whimpers. Her eyes widened "N-nick!, she pulled on the door knob and looked around for a key. She lifted up on her tiptoes seeing the key above the door. She reached and opened the door slowly.

She gagged at the smell of it down there and stepped towards the stairs looking down at nicks beaten body , but he was still hanging on.

She rushed down stairs but the last two steps were broken and she tripped and fell forward, already she could hear a rumble upstairs. She winced

"Holly!" Nick spoke groggily

She groaned holding her ribs "Ouch!.. what n-nick?"

"Look at me.. baby " Nick struggled , holly looked , his face was beaten to a pulp, he had a huge black eye and bruises all over his body.

"Baby.. I'm so sorry " he looked at her with pained eyes , p-please come closer.

Holly looked at him with sympathy "do you know the damage you've c-caused me" she sniffled stopping in her tracks.

"I know I've hurt you badly and you don't deserve any of it, you really don't, I'm an asshole." Nick spoke.

"Just please let me hold you baby I miss you so much "

Holly bit down on her lip nervously stepping forward , "Do not take one more step holly!" Edward boomed making her flinch , with that nick took it upon himself to push holly to the ground , he was about to kick her but Harry and Edward scrambled on top of nick .
"Get the fucking pad lock Harry!" Ed said holding him down.

"Oo your a little wriggler aren't you Nick!" Edward slammed nicks wrists against the wall whilst Harry got the padlocks chaining him this time. With that Harry swung his fist to nicks jaw , nick couldn't use his hands but he managed to kick Harry in the balls making him crouch and groan in pain.

They were interrupted by a loud voice " Don't you touch him you asshole !! Fuck you!" They all turned around to see a fuming Louis his cheeks were flushed with anger. 

"Louis no baby go back upstairs this instant!" Edward demanded

"Lou bear you can't be down here " marcel looked up as he was on the floor trying to help holly. Louis could see Harry holding his crotch in pain and it just made him even more angry. The boys had never seen this side of Louis but it was turning them on deep down.

"Aw has your fairy boy come to join I see?" With that nick felt a slap across his face from Louis , which he was shocked at himself for that.
Nick kicked Louis leg causing him to collapse "ah you fucker!!" He swear he heard a snap.

That was it Edward was raging no one touches there Omega no one ." Edward gripped nicks neck choking him until he turned a shade of blue , he let go kicking and punching the shit out of him. By then marcel and Harry had taken holly and Louis back upstairs away from this mess.

Edwards fist were swollen ,covered in blood and all was left was nicks lifeless body.

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