Chapter 20

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3 days later

Holly was discharged from hospital , she looked around the living room of the styles mansion. She'd never noticed how beautiful it was till now. Of course after everything that's happened.

Holly got up off the couch slowly , "Hey where are you going?, you should be resting love." Um.. bathroom.."

"Of course " Edward chuckled sitting down on the couch putting the tv on. He sighed laying back comfortably.

Holly made her way up the marble staircase slowly , "oh hey holly need some help there?" Marcel said as he was walking towards her. "I'm okay thank you I got it " she said sweetly.

Holly made her way to the bathroom to do her business. Whilst Louis skipped down the stairs to the kitchen grabbing the cookie jar and a glass of him. Harry watched as he swayed his hips and watching that fine plump ass. He crept up behind him groping his ass and leaning his lips against his neck sucking on the spot.

Louis flinched but moaned "Oh!" He closed his eyes smiling knowing Harry's lips were attached to him.

"Mm hungry baby, are you?" Harry nuzzled his face in his neck kissing down his neck. Louis was about to bite the cookie only for it to be swiped out of his hand by harry.

Louis whined "noo mine haz , Eddy!!!!"

Harry smirked

Edward came rushing into the kitchen in a rush. "Baby, Louis are you alright?" Edward said checking him over.

He noticed Louis pout and a cookie in Harry's hand and him smirking. "Oh I see.. did he steel that from you " Louis folded his arms playfully nodding.

Louis let out giggles "I'm just playing " he grabbed the cookie out of Harry's hand biting it then poking his tongue out.

Edward snaked his arms around Louis waist pulling him in close. Louis decided to tease Edward by pressing his ass against eds crotch making him groan. He growled holding him close.

Louis giggled still eating his cookie, he took a sip out of his milk washing the cookie down.

Edward bit down on Louis mating mark making him moan softly. Edward scooped him up and put him on the couch to let him eat the rest of his milk and cookies. They sat with there omega and cuddled comforted him, he was so special to the triplets, they'd die for him.


As the weeks past Holly was extremely happy , Living with the triplets and even getting a job in the first place saved her. She couldn't thank them enough for everything they've done for her.

Holly walked into the living seeing the triplets and Louis fast asleep, Louis head against Harry's chest with half eaten cookie stuck to his cheek and crumbs on his shirt. Holly beamed at how cute this moment was.

She felt lucky to have such loving friends, but not just friends , family.



Hey guys so you've reached the end of this book , it's was only going to be a short story, so I hope you've enjoyed it.

Thank you for the support!
Love ya

C x

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