Chapter 8

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Holly was laid out on the couch , the boys were still confused as to why all the bruising under her eye.

She slowly woke up seeing three pairs of emerald eyes staring down at her. She flinched staring at each one.

"Holly are you.. alright?" Marcel spoke

Marcel is a trained doctor holly , he's going to check you over if that's okay."Edward said

"N-no I'm fine honestly , I just fell I covered it up because I wanted to look okay to work for you." Tears were brimming at her eyes.

"Even so can I still examine you , I just want to know why you fainted, I'll only take your blood pressure okay?

She nodded gently rolling up her sleeve , marcel strapped the blood pressure around her arm.

"Do you feel over worked Miss Holly?" Harry spoke looking at the girl.

"No not at all.. I've only just started and I'm enjoying it honest."

Harry nodded grabbing a glass of water placing on the coffee table. "Here drink this.
"So your blood pressure is slightly high but it's nothing to worry about but I will ask you again , how did you get these bruises holly.. and please be honest I'm a doctor I can help you."

Holly looked down quietly , she sighed "I- I fell "

Marcel looked at her suspiciously but nodded "Alright well you may go home now , we'll see you tomorrow , oh and we have to go into work tomorrow so you will be looking after our young Louis is that understood?"

"Yes of course "she smiled getting up and grabbing her things.

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