Chapter 3

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Holly was woken up to a notification on her phone, she pushed the blanket off her and sat up, looking at her phone she noticed she had an email off the employer. She gasped opening it up , she looked over her shoulder seeing nick was thankfully asleep.

"Hi Miss James , We would like to invite you to an interview today at twelve noon. " Hollys eyes widened looking at the message over and over. This was the quicker response she has had. She got up quickly slipping on some smart clothes and shoes she washed her face and hands , she then applied a light layer of makeup and was good to go. It was 11:30 by the time she got herself ready but she liked to be punctual.  She left pancakes in the microwave she had freshly made for her boyfriend and headed off out.

Butterflies erupted in her stomach as she drove off, nerves were kicking in now, this was her first ever interview , she really wants it to go well. She gulped driving further down a few blocks until she got to a posh area , she came across a huge mansion house stopped outside the gates her eyes widening. "Holy crap" she muttered to herself.

She clicked the button and the gates opened , they have cctv all around the mansion and outside but they knew the triplets were expecting a guest today. Holly drove on in and parked her car in the guest area. 
She stepped out of the car fixing her hair , she grabbed her file and closed the door behind her. "Here we go" she mumbled to herself, she took in the beautiful mansion as she walked down the fresh clean path , she came to a stop and softly knocked the door.

"Edward she's here!" Marcel spoke gasping a little

Edward came walking into the living room "Just relax okay he looked at his brothers calmly , Louis was in his room at the moment they didn't want anyone seeing him yet because they are not sure if she is perfect for job yet.

Edward rushed to the door opening it up, his green eyes scanned the girl from head to toe (not in a straight way he's gay duh?)

This girl stood with her long blonde hair flowing down her back , makeup was expectable and she was dressed professionally , Edward was impressed already.

"Hello Miss James , come on in your early "

"Yeah sorry about t-that I have a thing about being early I .. guess." She smiled walking into the beautiful mansion . Ed closed the door behind her and followed her. "Come on into the lounge the three of us have been waiting. " Edward smiled

Holly followed him into the lounge meeting two identical boys, her cheeks heated up "wow triplets "

Harry smirked

"Damn did I just say that out loud?" Holly thought

"Harry , Marcel Meet Miss James "

"Call me Holly " she spoke politely shaking each of there hands and sat down gently on the couch with her file on her lap. She felt all eyes on her and she was beyond nervous at this point.

"So holly tell us about yourself " Edward started

"Well I'm Holly James , I'm 22 years old I've had recent experience in this type of job in the past, also worked at a care home looking after the elderly, also I've helped with sick children at hospitals , " I-" she paused looking at the boys and they starred at her in deep thought.

"Carry on Miss James " Edward instructed

Holly nodded "I sing and entertain children at the hospital, it was a good experience for me." I'm also a bubbly person , very good with the people around me. She gulped feeling her cheeks heat up . "Sorry it's my first interview.. I'm a little nervous." Holly spoke

"No no that was great love " Harry spoke
"May I have a look at your file please ?" Marcel spoke .

Holly nodded quickly " Yes of course " she handed the file to marcel gently and sat back down.

"That all sounds very good Holly, you are very well mannered dear. "Now with this job it comes with looking after our omega , he's very sensitive, loving and great person , we love him dearly. Do you think you can handle all that?"

"Yes of course it would be an honour sir ."

Edward like this women already , "When can you start?" He said

Holly gasped quietly "Anytime you'd like me too".

"Tomorrow sound good ? " Harry spoke

"Yes I'd love too, can I ask what time will I be starting ?"

"9am sharp dear" Edward stated

"Holly stood up slowly " thank you so much

"Oh and we'd like to introduce you to our little one " Louis walked in the room slowly , he smiled he was so shy.

Holly had the biggest smile on her face "Lou bear this is our new maid Holly.

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