Chapter 10

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The next morning was a struggle for holly, she was woken up by nick telling her to get up, but his mood had changed completely.

"Hey baby , you gotta get up Youl be late for work."

Holly scoffed and got up slowly wincing "Ah!"

"Baby what's wrong are you hurt?" Nick spoke as if nothing happened last night. Is he bipolar or what?" She thought.

Holly walked upstairs slowly to her bedroom mirror , pulling up her shirt she saw a horrendous bruise to her ribs. She sniffled and got dressed , she applied some makeup and forgot Nick was dropping her off at the mansion, she mentally groaned to herself.


Nick pulled into the driveway of the mansion and got out with her. Holly opened the door , she struggled to get out , nick pulled her arm slightly.

"I'll walk you to the door sweetheart " Nick spoke holding her hand tightly. Little did nick know about the cameras set up all around the house and outside.

Edward was already in his office sorting through paper work , Louis was sat on the chair swinging his legs , but something caught his eye. "Eddy who's that?" Louis pointed to the cctv television.

Edward looked straight at the cameras, Seeing Holly and a guy pulling her along, she did not look happy.
Edward gulped getting up off his chair , "come on baby let's go downstairs " Edward held out his hand for Louis to take.

Holly rang the door bell and marcel opened it straight away. Nick had gone by then and holly was so relieved.
Holly walked in saying hello to marcel but she walked with a limp.
"Oh hi Edward , Louis " she greet politely seeing them walking downstairs.

"Hi holly" Louis smiled giving her a hug but instantly she flinched , " Ouch!"

Holly are you alright dear?" Edward asked concerned for her.

Her eyes filled with tears and she couldn't control it anymore , it was to much.

"Woah love , you're shaking come sit down " Harry helped her sit. He noticed her wincing as she sat down. The boys gathered around her .

"Why does hollys side hurt haz?" Harry smoothed his hair back. "I don't know babe "

"Holly can I ask you something?" Edward spoke

She nodded softly , marcel handed her a tissue .

"Who was with you this morning , we have cameras all around this place, even outside."

"M-my boyfriend.."

"Holly I'm going to need to take off your shirt" marcel blurted out , Edward looked at him shocked.
"We've all noticed the pain your in and we need to find out why.

"Can I j-just lift it up "

"Of course dear" marcel spoke

The tears started again as she slowly lifted her shirt revealing the horrific bruise. The room filled with gasps.

Edward growled "THIS WAS HIM WASN'T IT?"

"H-help me" holly broke down falling to her knees but marcel managed to catch her fall.

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