Chapter 11

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Marcel grabbed hold of holly firmly holding her up, he managed to pick her up , she was light as a feather.

"Right!, so here is the plan " Edward spoke

"Me and Harry will call This so called Nick , trick him into getting him over here by telling him Holly is sick , so he will have to pick her up, but what he won't know he's in for a nasty surprise. "

"Marcel you will take holly to your personal medical room upstairs and check her injuries, I want her checked now!" Edward warned making marcel flinched .

"Don't flinch baby it's not you okay , I just don't like people hurting the people who work for us , I will not have it."

Marcel nodded and carried holly near the stairs."wait.." holly spoke

Edward fixed his eyes on her "I-I'm so sorry I've brought my home life into work, it's unprofessional b-but I couldn't take I-"

"Don't you say another word Holly, where gonna sort this asshole out once and for all."

Holly sniffled burying her face in Marcels chest as she carried upstairs to the medical room.

Marcels POV

Marcel placed holly on the medical bed and asked her to remove her clothing and put a hospital gown on, while she did that marcel took a step out of the room giving her some privacy. He looked down the hall seeing Louis rushing towards him. Marcel looked panicked "Baby what's wrong are you hurt ?" Marcel brushed his fingers through his feathery hair.

"I don't want anyone to get marcy " Louis pouted

Marcel held him close "Baby you know Edward and Harry are the strongest out of us four especially Edward, and we have security all around this place.

Louis nodded calming down a little bit , he kissed his cheeks "Now I want you to go to our room and stay there okay , I'm going to get a security guard to stand by your door until I'm finished seeing to holly okay. You do not step foot downstairs at anytime." Marcel pointed and warned his omega.

"Yes marcy, I promise " Louis held marcel tight and walked to there room.

Marcel walked back in the medical room , seeing holly laid out on the bed. "I'll just check out the bruising on your ribs and get down to x raying if that's okay holly.?"

Holly nodded " Yes o-of course " holly lifted the gown up (don't worry she has shorts on and a bra ) he began examining the bruising , she winced "Its hurts bad "she sniffled

"Hey shh holly it's alright , you're safe okay " marcel reassured her.
She closed her eyes letting the tears run down her cheeks. Marcel did the x ray and waited for the photo to come through. Meanwhile he rubbed some cream onto the bruising on the ribs.

He turned around grabbing the x ray , "okay so your left side of your ribs , 3 of them are broken which explains the severe pain. I'll need to put a bandage around your ribs and waist. Holly lifted her body up slightly whilst marcel wrapped the bandage around her ribs.

"You have some bruising on your eyes and that's about it but the good news is that your okay and Thank god this didn't turn into something serious.


Edward and Harry growled as they smelt nick walking towards the house. "BASTARD!" Ed howled smashing a glass on the floor.

Harry clenched his fists as the door bell rang and Edward was first to open it , there stood nick , his hair scruffy , cigarette and alcohol on his breath.

"Come in " Edward said innocently part of his plan

Nick walked in slowly and looked around the place, he felt that little bit jealous and possessive that two men were working with holly.

"So where's holly " nick said whilst Edward shut the door. "

"She's right this way if you'd like to follow us " Harry gestured him to follow ,Edward stood by Harry and walked towards the cellar opening the door.

"Why are we heading for the cellar" he shook his head in confusion . Edward gripped the back of his neck throwing him half way down the stairs.

"How the fuck do you it huh! Tough guy !" Edward spat rushing down the steps. "You like beating girls yea" ed swung his fist to his face hard knocking him back on the floor.

Nick laughed evilly " That bitch told you " that earned him a slap across the face by Harry , he growled.

"We have eyes you know, we can see when a young innocent human being is being hurt , physically don't you care about all the fucking bruises you leave on that poor girl."

Nicks eyes widened " Where the hell is she?"

"Somewhere safe , away from a fucking monster like you. Nick tried to fight back but it was no use.

He was slammed against the wall by Edward "Im gonna make you pay for this asshole" Edward growled

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