Last fight.

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Error P.o.v

I was just walking through the AU's when Ink chose to attack me. He had done a great number on me but I didn't care.

"Why do you destroy the AUs?" he asked. I didn't answer. I didn't wanna fight anymore so I just made a glitchy portal and walked home

"Error what are you doing?" Ink asked confused.

"'LeAvIng YoU g-g-gOt A ProbLem?" I asked I came back to the anti-void. Useless. Die. Kill yourself. You're Unloved. I didn't care about the voices screaming at me. I had grown numb to them a long time ago. I stared down at the floor of the void. It was pretty boring so I opened a one-way portal to The Charas I smiled at their happy faces. But one thing couth my eye they had made a doll of me that they had tied to a tree so it looked like they hang me. I closed the portal my soul cracked again. They want me dead? I opened a one-way portal to Nightmare and his gang. They knew that I would do that sometimes. I saw them all gathered together like they would have a meeting.

"So who will be the one that gets rid of Error?" Dust asked. They are planning to kill me? I closed the portal. I thought they were my friends. Pathetic Idiot, you really thought that someone would care about you? Wow, I really am pathetic. I just stared at the 'Floor' of the void. I felt every emotion that should be here leave. My soul broke more than it already was. I looked down. Everything went blank

Nightmare P.o.v

  "So who will be the one that gets rid of Error?" Dust asked. I signed

" No one Dust, We just need someone to distract him for his surprise," I said. 

"So are the Charas finished with the doll?" Cross asked

"Yes they are drying it in the minute but it looks like Error who hang himself so I'm not going to check it," I said. I suddenly felt my power drain drastically which only could mean one of two things. One Error's dead. Two Error's dying.

"Nightmare What's wrong?" Killer asked. They all looked scared.

"Something is wrong with Error," I said. I opened a portal to the Anti void. I thought that he might be here. They followed. We ran as fast as we could since it was useless to teleport here. We came to Error's part of the Anti void. We saw him and began to run faster, But something is wrong with him. He is just looking down numbly.

"ERROR" Killer yelled. We finally reached him. He just sat there. Staring down while he cried. His eyes were fully black. Killer took Error into a tight hug while Killer began to cry. Error didn't do anything. He hates being touched due to his Haphephobia but He didn't even Glith. I couldn't sense anything from him.

"Error please stop staring down and look at me" Killer sobbed. I placed my hand on Killer's shoulder.  

"Killer you're choking him," I said he instantly let go. I picked Error up. 

"Let's get him home then will we try to find out what's wrong," I said and opened a portal to my castle. I walked to an empty room and laid him on a bed there. I walked out. 

"What are we gonna do now?" Horror asked Everyone was there but Killer

"Dust and Horror you will tell the Charas about Error's condition. Cross You'll try to make Killer calm down where ever he is. I will try to find out what it is wrong with Error," I said they all left. I walked back into Error's room. He hadn't moved an inch.

"Error what the hell happened to you?" I asked before I entered his mind. I instantly felt pain sort up through my body. How could I forget when entering someone's mind I can feel all their pain? I screamed in pain I have never felt this much pain at once. I came out of his mind and fell backwards I felt someone catch me before I passed out.  

Cross P.o.v

I had finally found Killer when I heard a scream. I rushed to where the sound came from only to see Nightmare fall I caught him before he could hit the floor I dragged him to the living room and laid him on the couch. Killer came.

"What happened?" He asked shaken

"I don't know," I said. If someone were to attack us, we are screwed.

Ink P.o.v

I sat and talked with Dream when he suddenly stopped. He looked like someone that had seen a ghost.

"Dream are you okay?" I asked.

"My brother... Nightmare" He said

"What's wrong with Nightmare?" I asked

"He needs my help," Dream said and before I could count to three was he already gone.

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