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No one P.o.v

Ink kept on humming for Error as he held her close and cuddled into him. What ink didn't know was that Alex was back haunting Errors dreams, Error began to cry while sleeping, Ink noticed this and held her closer before lightly rubbing her back in a soothing manner. He whispered sweet nothings into her non-existing ear. I calmed her down a lot. He keeps doing this until She was about to wake up. He laid her head on the pillow and left her. Error woke up just as ink left. She was beyond confused due to her not knowing where the pillow or blanket came from but she decides to not think about it and got ready to go to Little tale.

Timeskip three months,

Error Have gathered every artifact in the hole multi-world. She managed to make friend with everyone. She also managed to make people blive that nightmare and his gang wasn't evil but broken. She didn't even bother to change the rumors about herself. Error sometimes came back to the Anti-void but that was only whenever she needed sleep. She also discovered that she was a sleep-cutter. Nightmare began to frequently visit the Anti-void but for some reason only while Error wasn't there. Nightmare quickly found something shocking. Giant artworks made on the floor of the Anti-void. That wasn't the shocking part is that it's made out of blood and are made out of harmful words like 'wordless' and 'Useless glitch'.  If you saw the artwork from the top it would look like Error tangled up in strings and chains. The strings mainly wrapped around her neck choking her. All that was going on in this picture while her soul was full of needles and pieces of glass. Nightmare was beyond scared at the time he found out. He searched for Error everywhere only to find nothing. Right now Error sat in Outertale singing. She was just told that everything she used the last three months on was for no reason. She found out that it was fate contacting her telling her to collect the artifacts.

She didn't hide her gender while singing. She looked at the stars of Outertale as she sang not noticing the audience of sadistic and bloodthirsty sanses who wanted her dead. The sanses listened to the voice of the destroyer unwillingly. However, they began to see the real Error and slowly lost their willpower to kill her. 

"If only they knew," Error said after the song finished.

"If only they knew that I never wanted to kill," She continued.

"I just wanted to have a home, I just want to see my brother again," She began to cry. Her tears were just as white as she's innocent.

"But that will never happen will it?"

"So... if anyone hears this... please k-kill me," Error was trying to control herself but her soul shattered to the point that the chain wrapped around it couldn't hold it together. The shattering sound was heard loud and clear before the pain her soul felt was so bad that she passed out. Some of the sanses rushed to Errors aid. Med being one of them. The first thing he did was summoning the soul seeing the chains holding some soul pieces while others were about to dust. He quickly summoned his med kit finding a soul container and gently putting the soul-pieces in it.

"We Need to get Error to my AU NOW!" He shouted. A portal was opened as classic and a few others rushed through with Error.

A soul shatterWhere stories live. Discover now