How to eat with the enemy.

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Quick note. I was 14  never had sex edd and had no friends to teach me the dirty stuff when I wrote this chapter. You will understand this note when you read the chap...

Ink P.o.v

I took the blanket from Error. He tried to hide. I looked down at the small and shy bean.

"Ink you should probably give him his blanket back his about to- Forget what I said," Core Frisk said as Error crashed. I laid the blanket over him again. A screen showed up. 

Error.EXE stopped working reboot?

Reboot                           Open files

Open files that one is new. I wanted to click it but Blue clicked Reboot before I even got the chance.

Rebooting 15%

Rebooting 25%

Rebooting 50%

Rebooting 99%

We waited a bit.

"So who will teach Error when he's done?" Blue asked

"Teach him what?" I asked

"He doesn't know how to eat," Blue said

"Blue are you sure?" Dream asked.

"Yes," Blue said

Rebooting 99%

"How long can it take to reboot 1%?" Carrot asked

Rebooting 100% Wait one hour before Error.ExE will work again.

"You gotta be kidding me," Carrot said

Rebooting 100% Fuck you Underswap;papyrus;Nickname;Carrot.ExE Now it's 24 hours

Carrot was about to kill the screen somehow but we held him back not wanting him to kill Error accidentally.

"Well, who will teach him?" Blue asked. when Carrot finally calmed down

"I can do it," Dream said happily.

Timeskip to when Error is finished Rebooting

Error lay wrapped in a blanket on the table. Core Frisk left yesterday, Dream had to leave due to his brother spreading way more negative than usual. I was watching N.T.T. Blue making a new plate of mini tacos for Error. I heard a small. Whine from the blanket I walked over to the table and looked down. Error was done Rebooting and was now sleeping. He clearly had a nightmare. I picked him up and lightly patted his back. Carrot had told me that Error was just as fragile as he looks. I gently caressed his back. He was wrapped in the small blanket from yesterday. He was crying in his sleep.

"Shh Error it's okay," I said in a calm voice. I began to worry about the small bean.

Blue P.o.v

"Shh Error it's okay," I heard Ink say from the other room I walked into the living room to see Ink gently nursling Errors back. Error was sleeping but crying. Ink looked at me.

"Error is just having a nightmare I thought that I could calm him down a bit," Ink said. I gave him a small smile and walked into the kitchen again. I felt something in me. Was I jealous? something is telling me that Ink shouldn't have my little bean. My Destroyer. My Error. (Yep Blue is a yandere) I couldn't kill him yet but maybe later. I saw that Error slowly opened his eyes only to hide inside the blanket. I smiled and took Error.

"Error it's okay we're going to learn you how to eat," I said happy and calm. Error looked up from the blanket. I sat him on the table and went to the kitchen to get the tacos. I got four normal-sized and two mini-sized ones. I placed the mini-sized in front of Error. Ink walked over to us and took a taco.

"Error, try to show us how you would eat," Ink said. Error looked really confused. He really didn't know how to eat.

"Okay try to do what I do, Okay?" Ink said. Error nodded. I just realized that Error had yellow dusted over his cheeks. He must be really shy. Ink showed Error how it's done he did the same. 

"Okay now try to swallow," I said happily since Error did it right. He did almost choke on the food. Ink quickly grabbed him and lightly patted his back until the piece he was choking on fell out.

Timeskip to when Error finally learns to swallow

Ink P.o.v

After too many tacos did we finally learn Error how to eat. Error was asleep again. I made a bitty-sized bed for him and a few other things like clothes and entertainment items. I looked over at the sleeping Error. How could I ever even think about hurting this little bean? His too sweet and shy. But he's clearly against violence and murder so why did he destroy? I will find out and I will protect him from now on.

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