A backstory

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Blue P.o.v

We finally manage to calm Ruru Down after almost making Her/Him deaf. Core also came and explained that they could do many weird and amazing things but they couldn't change a person's gender.

"And why should We believe in you?" Nightmare asked.

"Think about it If I had that ability do you really think that you would still be a male?" Core Frisk said annoyed.

"They got a point." Horror said. I looked down at Ruru. He had aged a bit. He's now what looks like a two-month-old. I looked Ruru in the eyes. His Eyes was shiny and full of life a moment ago no they're dead and dull. I looked at him worried.

"What is wrong Blue?" Dust asked. The others looked at me.

"It's Ruru his eyes are dead and dull like he already lost hope," I said. Core frisk walked over to me and looked at Ruru.

"Already then?" Core frisk said worriedly.

"Core, give us an explanation," Ink demanded. I sat on the couch with Ruru falling asleep on me.

"You see in my AU the war between humans and monsters never came nor did any Chara exist. However, there was a constant war between countries. I was only two years old at the time...


Core frisk P.o.v

"Mommy why is this happening?" I asked.

"I don't know sweety. But let us hurry back to the camp okay?" Mommy said and grabbed my hand. We ran as fast as our legs could carry us until we heard a cry. The cry from a child. Mommy dragged me with them to the origin of the sound only to find a black glitching skeleton baby. Mommy took the little one and we both ran home.

Ten years later

The skeleton got the name Error. We were best friend and siblings. I was looking for them. We had to hide from the soldiers. I ran behind the building only to see Error cutting. fresh wounds were on his arms.

"Error! What are you doing?" I whisper yelled. Before grabbing his hand and dragged him to a safer place.

Flashback end

Blue P.o.v

"I asked why he did it. he cried out 'I always had the feeling of being unwanted and like I don't belong here'" Core frisk said. Ruru was crying but he was still asleep. Dream seems to noticed

"Blue can I see Error?" Dream asked. I hesitantly gave Error to Dream but I rather keep him. 

A few moments later

Dream was checking what's going on in Rurus little head. When he came back to his sense he cried with pity.

"What happened to him Dream?" Ink asked

"His father threw him into the core in his AU at the age of two months," Dream said. I was surprised and took Ruru again. I held him close maybe to close for comfort and to my surprise that calmed him a lot. Ruru what happened to you?

Hi, I won't be able to update much in the next week. We have a project week at my school. Sorry

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