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No one P.o.v

"WHAT!?!?" All the skeletons asked/yelled. They looked at core like they wanna murder them

"THEN WHY THE HELL IS IT ALWAYS YOU THAT RECOMMEND WHEN WE HAVE TO ATTACK HIM?!?" Ink yelled and stapped a bone through cores shoulder but they ignored it. Ink was pissed. 

"Because Error needs peace, do any of you know how many times he Tried To Do SUICIDE?" core yelled at him.

"AND KILLING HIM WOULD GIVE HIM PEACE?!" Killer screamed at Core.

"Yes, that thing in his mind would at least leave him alone," core said. Tears left their eyes.

"Wait how long had that thing been there?" Dream asked.

"As far as I know before our AU got corrupted," Core said. Guilt showed in their face.

"Core is there anything that we should know else about Error before one of us lose to our anger?" Cross asked trying to keep cool.

"Only that If Error gets a mental breakdown then either leave him alone and leave the place his at or ignore his  Haphephobia. It might sound like an awful idea but you have to trust me on this. Don't ignore him as we all do right now and Ink no more creating AUs or Error might die.  Goodbye." core said and began to fate.

"You can't just leave," Blue said but It was too late. the skeletons looked at each other confused.  A small whine was heard together with small sobs. All the skeletons head snapped towards the sound. In the small bed sat a crying Error. Killer walked over to him. The bad sanses knew that it was best to let Killer calm him. Blue was about to go over to Error too.

"Let Killer do this. He knows how to handle this." Nightmare said. Blue stopped and looked at Error.

"So what are we gonna do?" Ink asked.

"I don't know what you idiots gonna do but Error's coming with us," Dust said. 

"Forget it. Error will be staying here." Ink said 

"WE WON'T LET YOU HAVE HIM?!" Horror yelled.

"Idiots Shut the fuck up. Error can't deal with the loud noises." Killer said. Error sat in his hands covering his ears. Still crying

"I just got him to Calm down," Killer sighed frustrated. 

"It's not like we can just go to a random AU maybe a pocket AU and make it suitable for Error to live there," Dust said giving zero fucks

"That actually sounds like a good idea," Ink said

"You are aware of that it was a joke?" Dust said

"It would be better than constantly having to kidnap him," Nightmare said.

"I have a Pocket au that's not fully created. I just need someone to remove what I did make," Ink said. and made a portal.

"Where are you going?" Horror asked. 

"To the AU," Ink said. 

Nightmare P.o.v

This is a stupid idea but it for Error. I walked in after Ink. There was literally nothing here is only whit. I walked back.

"so what know?" Dust asked

"Get Error distracted. Then will rainbow puke and the half of us make the AU prepared. Horror. cross get in there." I said and left them. I once again entered the pocket AU. This is going to take time. I looked around only to see that Horror was on fire and Cross just watched from the side. Ink was to busy creating to notice. How can I live with these idiots?

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