Move in day

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Chapter 1: Move in day

“Ugh these boxes are so heavy” Isabella complain as she was caring in one of the boxes that she had packed.

“It’s not my fault, I’m the one that told you to pack on the lighter side, but I can see that you didn’t want to take my advice on that” her mother Morgan stated as she was also caring in the last box and letting it down on the floor.

“ I know mom but it’s okay cause we are all done” Isabella stated as she started to unload all the contents of the first box.

“ Yea, but I still can’t believe that my little girl is now a freshman in college: her mom said while starting to cry

“ Mom please stop crying you have cried enough ok now come here” she ushered her mom over to her full length movie that was on the back of her closet door. They both looked into the mirror, and told her mom that everything was going to be okay and no matter what she was going to always be her little girl. That only made her mom cry a little but more. As Isabella looked at the mirror she realized how much she resemble her mother and how much they looked alike. People have told her over the years how they looked alike, but she finally saw it. Isabella’s mother Morgan was a 42 year old woman with long black hair, brown eyes, and a caramel skin tone. Her mother was a lawyer and was a very successful one at that at a law firm and she made a good living at it. Isabella herself looked just like her mother just a younger version of her with only being 19 years old caramel skin tone, black shoulder length hair,brown eyes.

As they stepped back from the mirror Isabella and her mother spent the rest of the night unpacking her boxes.


A couple of days after first moving in her mother went back home and her roommates moved in, and to Isabella they seemed to be really nice and cool.

Isabella had a suite style dorm room and it had a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and three rooms.

Her first roommate Jordan was light-skinned had hazel eyes, fairly skinny, and had black long hair. Isabella’s other roommate name was Lauren and she was also 19 years old as the other girls and has mocha chocolate skin tone, has a short pixie hair cut, black hair, and was rather on the tall side.

After all the girl introduced each other Isabella felt like they were pretty cool people and felt like they were going to become pretty close friends and decided to go out to lunch together to get to know each other more.

While out they saw this group of cute fraternity boys walking around passing out fylers.

“Hey they are pretty cute” Lauren said still gawking at the boys

“Yeah, but what are they passing out anyways is there some event that is suppose to be going on.” Isabella said while still watching the boys, but as soon as she said that the group of boys walked over to there table and started introduction themselves.

“Hi ladies, how are you all today?”

“ Umm we are good” Lauren said

“Well that is good I am Keith and these are some of the fraternity brother and we are from Alpha Phi Alpha, and we just wanted to invite you all to our welcoming party that we are having on campus at our fraternity house.” As he finished that he passed the Isabella the flyer with the address and the time of the party.

“So will you guys be coming to over party?” he asked looking straight at Isabella for an answer.

Isabella looked between the girls and they were both shaking their heads yes in agreement that they wanted to go.

“Sure why not”

“Great, it was a pleasure talking to you and I will definitely be looking for you…?” he stopped mid sentence to try to get her name.


Isabella what a beautiful name, and I will definitely be looking for you at the party; well you guys have a good rest of the day and see you later.

As the guys continued down the street the girls soon started screaming at how excited they are were for the party. The girls looked down and saw that the party was tomorrow and 9:30.

“I can not believe that we just got invited to our first college party you guys” Lauren said as she continued to look at the party flyer.

“Yeah and did you see that Keith guy checking you out bella.” Jordan said looking at Isabella.

“I don’t know guys maybe he was just trying to be nice and stuff”

“Yeah well he was really friendly and his eyes were definitely glued on to you.” Jordan continue trying to keep the conversation going, but Isabella wasn’t taking that and wanted to go back to her dorm and find a outfit.

“No I dont think so, but anyways lets get back to the dorms and find out what we are going to wear for tomorrow night.”

As the girls made their ways to the dorms Isabella had nothing but to think that with the party at the start of her freshman year and that this year was she is going to be the best year of her life.


Well you guys I hope you liked the first chapter. I know that it isn't much, but it will soon. I know it may sound a little boring now but I just wanted to bring in all he characters and stuff.

Please don't forget to commet and vote I would really appreciate it.

Thanks love you all :) <3

That good boy is bad. (Completed but undergoing major editing)[#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now